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Eliza's pov

I couldn't quite believe that I was holding Draco's hand. That was the impossible thing, not that I just had sex with Draco in the woods. The wild thing was believable because that was who Draco was and I liked that. But Draco holding my hand was so unlike him and yet there he was, holding my hand, for anyone to see.

We tidied ourselves up as best we could and then made our way back to the school grounds. He held my hand the entire way up the hill and through the courtyard. The stars still twinkling above us.

And standing in the doorway, I saw Daphne and Pansy standing with Theo and Blaise. Their reaction to Draco holding my hand must have been a surprise to them too.

"And where have you two been?" Blaise asked, leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his face.

Pansy raised her brow, waiting for our response. Always so curious to know everyone's sins.

"We needed to get away from everyone," Draco replied. A solid excuse, at least I hoped.

As we approached them I hoped my shyness wasn't visible on my cheeks.

"It's freezing out here," Theo said but I saw the knowing look in his eyes.

"We kept ourselves warm," Draco replied and my eyes widened at how obvious he was being.

"You have a twig in your hair," Daphne said, pulling the small stick from my hair.

"Oh," I raised my hand to my hair, trying my best to seem surprised, "how'd that get there?"

"You two been rolling around in the woods?" Blaise asked, a laugh following his words.

Draco grabbed his arm harshly as we started walking into the castle. Pansy and Theo laugh after them, Draco snarling something in Blaise's ear.

"We are having a talk later!" Daphne said into my ear. I turned to her pretty smile and thrilled eyes and for the first time in, well forever, I felt like I had a best friend.


"In the woods?" Daphne's eyes widened after I told her what me and Draco had done. I told her everything, from bumping into him on the train, everything that happened with Tracey and the wild thing he and I did in the woods.

As soon as we got back to our dormitory, we showered and got our pyjamas on. Ready for bed but Daphne couldn't wait any longer to get the details of what's been happening between me and Draco.

"It just happened," I tucked a strand of my wet hair behind my ear, my hands fidgeting in my lap, "And I don't know—whenever I am with him it's like I could do anything—It's like my most wild desires come reality."

Daphne's smile turned to something more cunning, "ah—you're not as innocent as I thought you to be."

"Shut up," I laughed. But I always did hate the innocence she thought I had. It always made me feel like I was a child who knew nothing. But the truth was, I am more corrupted than I seem.

"I am truly happy for you Eliza, jokes aside. Draco can be an arrogant bastard but the way he looks at you—Jesus, that boy is madly in love with you."

I felt my cheeks burn and my smile was uncontrollable, "Really?" I asked, almost in disbelief.

"Yes," Daphne grabbed my hand, "I'm jealous of what you have found."

I saw the sadness flicker in her blue eyes, like a hurricane hitting the beautiful ocean. "What about you and Blaise? I've noticed what's been happening between you two too."

"I don't know, sometimes I feel like he doesn't feel the same way about me," she admitted.

I frowned, "what makes you think that?"

Her eyes looked down and then met mine again, "well, tonight he just seemed like he didn't want to talk to me. He seemed almost nervous."

"I'd be nervous too if I had a pretty girl at my side," I smiled, hoping my words would assure her.

And just liked I hoped, her smile returnd. A smile so wide and beautiful.

"Just talk to him tomorrow about how you feel," I told her, "what's the worse that could happen? If you like him, tell him."

"You're right, I will."

I told her that because if I had never spoken to Draco after the ball, I would have never known that Tracey had set him up and I would have believed that he was playing me and that all his words had been lies. But I spoke to him, I let him explain and I ended up experiencing something wild. And now I get to go to sleep knowing that Draco Malfoy loves me.

Copyright © Kirsten Enn

Insta & TikTok @ Kirsten.enn

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