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I explained everything to Daphne, and it felt as though I was relieving each and every moment Noah encountered me. I had wanted to tell Daphne but I wanted it to be on my terms. Draco took that choice away from me. And on our way to dinner, I was nervous to see him again.

I was so angry at him and I was scared of what I might do when I did see him. It was a strange thing to think that he was somewhere here and I wondered what he was thinking. Was he nervous to see me too?

As we walked, every passing student turned to look at me and whispered something to their friends. I felt awful. I felt sick and I felt scared. Did Draco really tell everyone? Because it felt like everyone knew everything about me and I hated it.

Daphne squeezed my arm a little, comforting me without actually using words. I can tell she is worried about me but she knew I didn't want to keep talking about it. And although I know it's impossible, I'd like to forget about it too.

I decided that keeping my eyes on the floor was easier. It was just me and the stone floor and my feet, walking one foot in front of the other. There were no judging eyes or petty whispering down here. But when I dared to look up, my eyes landed straight on those familiar dark blue eyes.


He stood frozen in place in the middle of the hallway ahead of me, staring at me with an expression I couldn't quite read. He stood beside Blaise who I only glanced at for a second.

"I'll leave you to talk," I tore my eyes away from his handsome face and looked up at Daphne. Before I could say anything she smiled and then left my side. No, I wanted her to stay. And when I looked ahead again Blaise was walking away from Draco, slapping a firm hand on his friend's shoulder and meeting up with Daphne.

I wanted to turn around and walk away.

Students were passing by both of us, walking into the great hall and we were just staring at each other. I felt my heart beat pick up into a fast hard pound and I felt my breathing hitch, catching inside my throat. I looked away from Draco, searching for a possible escape.

I looked back at him. Merlin, I was so angry with him. So angry that I didn't want to talk to him. I raised my chin when he took a step forward and It was almost instinct to take a step back.

I turned on my hill and made the coward's way out and ran through a group of students and quickly stepped in through a door. A door which I knew went to stairs which led to the balcony that went up across the back of the great hall. I used to come up here to hide and that's exactly what I am using it for now.

I ascended the stairs until I reached the top, looking over the balcony wall and seeing students settling down and digging into the feast in front of them. I saw Dumbledore and all the professors talking at the front of the hall and I took a step back to where I wouldn't be seen.

I let out a breath and felt a little relaxed now I was in the company of myself.

"Eliza," I instantly tensed when I heard my name echo behind me.

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now