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His hand slid down my bare chest, over my lacey black bra, while his other gripped my throat in a powerful hold. He looked down at me with such desperation and darkness, my back arched into his chest. His hand slipped under my underwear and his thumb began rubbing against my clit. I gasped and he grinned. That fucking grin. 

He gripped my throat tighter and the feeling between my legs was becoming too much for my body. It was tensing up and begging for a release.

"Fuck. . . You're so beautiful—"

"Wake up! Eliza!"

My eyes shot open and I realised I was having a sex dream. That's never happened before and I felt my cheeks blush like Daphne knew.

"What time is it?" I asked her, shoving the cover off me and stepping out of bed.

"It's late, we've missed breakfast and class start in ten minutes," Daphne stood next to my bed pulling her hair into a ponytail. Seeming to have woken up a few minutes ago and rushing too.

I cursed to myself and rushed into the bathroom. Washing my face. Brushing my teeth. And changing into clean robes. My hair was a mess and I had no time to shower so I pulled it into a low bun. Not my best hairstyle but it looked better than it did before.

When I walked out of the bathroom, Daphne was slipping on her shoes. When she saw me, she gave me a look, then she smiled, "Where you have a sex dream?"

"No," I tried my best to lie, "of course not."

She laughed as I grabbed a pair of my shoes and put them on.

"If you say so," she raised her hands as she stood from her bed, "let's go before we are really late."

She opened the door and I quickly grabbed my bag before running toward her. We walked out and she closed the door behind us. I felt her hand grip my forearm as we walked quickly down the hallway, "at least tell me who it was about?"

She giggled and I shot my head at her. I couldn't help the the smile that crept its way to my lips, "shut up."

I would never tell her. I would never tell anyone because there was no way I had a sex dream about Draco Malfoy. A bloody good one too.


Daphne opened the door to Slughorn's classroom, far to abruptly and almost tripped as she did so. She cursed out loud and I couldn't help the quiet laughter that came to me. But we regained ourselves quickly.

"Ah, girls, nice of you to join us," Slughorn announced with a pleasant smile on his lips.

"Sorry sir," Daphne apologised.

There were only two seats left at one of the far tables. Luckily for Daphne, they were her friends, unlucky for me, Adrian and Draco were both at this table. I should have told Daphne what Adrian said to me the other day because she sat at the seat beside blaise and Draco and I had no choice but sit beside Adrian opposite them.

As I sat down, Adrian smirked at me. The same way he did the other day. The same look that made my stomach turn upside down. I didn't know what I'd prefer, sitting next to Adrian or sitting directly in front of the boy I had a sex dream about, which was still fresh in my head.

Slughorn began teaching the class again but I wasn't focusing on his words. All I could think about was how good Draco's hands felt inside of me. I made the mistake of looking at his hands. My God— they looked even better in real life and I wondered if they would feel even better too.

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now