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Kings Cross station was bustling with muggles in expensive tuxedos and briefcases, and wizards and witches heading to platform nine and three-quarters. I walked between my mother and father wearing black suit trousers and a black jumper, and my hands tucked into the suit jacket I wore above.

As usual, judgmental eyes met mine and whispers of hate came from surrounding wizards. I ignored them like usual but my father sneered down at them like they were dirt on the bottom of his shoe.

We walked through the wall of platform nine and three quarters and were met with a far more hectic platform. The Hogwarts Express roared its steam into the air and students hustled onto the train, parents saying their farewells.

Immediately, I searched for Eliza. Somewhere she was there or she was already on the train. I wanted to walk away from my parents and look for her.

My mother handed me my small suitcase and wrapped her arms around my back, "Goodbye, Draco," she said into my shoulder.

I wrapped my arm around her back and said, "Bye, Mother."

She released me and as she did I saw Eliza walking onto the train, her head down with her long hair falling in front of her. She looked eager to get off of the busy platform and onto the train. I wanted to run after her but my father's hand was firm against my arm.

"She will get you into serious trouble, Draco," my father said, having spotted Eliza as well, "be wise, boy. She may be pretty but she has got the Avarius family after her—"

"Don't," I warned him.

My father grinned but he was disapproving as they looked down on me.

"Lucius, please," my mother looked around, "not here."

"He has already dragged us into this mess," he seethed and then his eyes narrowed on me again, "find another pretty girl, Draco."

I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. He had held back since he found out about Eliza and me but now he is practically begging me to end things with her. Not a chance in hell will I be doing that. He is only saying this because he is scared.

"Are you finished?" I asked my father and my fists clenched at my sides.

My father's jaw turned solid and his lip quivered and he no doubt wanted to punch me across the face. If only there were no eyes to witness.

"Goodbye, Draco," my father said and released my arm. I rolled my shoulders back and turned my back on my parents.


The train had set off and students had found their seats but I walked up the train in search of Eliza. I walked through the Slytherin carriage but she wasn't sitting with Pansy and Daphne who were sitting opposite Theo and Blaise.

Breithley I spoke to them and asked if they had seen her but they said they thought she was with me. They offered to help look but I declined their offer. I continued onward to the private compartments, looking into each one. I was beginning to grow worried until I looked into the apartment and saw her.

But my worry didn't fade away when I saw her staring out the window with tired eyes. I opened the door and her eyes turned to me with nothing but fear. They only settled a little when she realized it was me.

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now