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"Noah—? As in Noah bloody Avery?" Blaise asked, hand on his chin as he listened to my messy explanation of everything. It was quick and I probably missed out a few details but my girl is lying in the hospital wing with a mysterious burn on her back and I can't fucking think straight.

I carried her to the wing, all the way from my dormitory. It was a rash decision but I was panicked and I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't wait for Blaise to get back with help—I thought Eliza was dying.

"Yes," I responded, my breathing was still shaky and sweat still drenched my body.

Blaise's eyes closed, seeming lost in his own confused and concerned thoughts. I turned my eyes back to the Hospital Wing doors and It was a great strength of my self-control not to kick open those doors and see her.

Blaise and I were kicked out when Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagalloll arrived and we are not allowed back in. That was half an hour ago. And we are just standing here like lost puppies.

They know something—

I may have been a mess, my eyes might have been blurred with gears and my chest was heaving with fear and anger but I saw the look in Madam Pomfrey's eyes when I said Noah Avery did this to her.

Like she had seen a ghost.

She sent another Nurse straight away to fetch Albus. And after that, it was a blur—until Snape was shoving me out of the wing and I had no choice but to leave Eliza alone with them. I hate that I had no idea what was going on and all I had was the memories of seeing her, lying on the cold floor of my bathroom, shivering and lifeless. I can't remember a time I've ever been so scared.

"Where is Noah?" Blaise asked out loud. My gaze flicked up to his. His eyes were dark and I knew exactly what that gaze meant. Blaise wanted vengeance, and so did I.

"I don't know," I replied sternly, then gestures to the hospital wing, "but they know something and they're not telling us—"

"So we find Noah before they do?" Blaise suggested with a hint of a smirk. My lips mimicked his haunting grin as I thought about all the ways I'd love to beat Noah. We gave each other a nod of our heads and without thinking, without a plan, we walked away from the wing.


My eyes fluttered open and I'm met with a blinding white light and a burn on my back, almost like I was lying on lava. I groaned, my arm twitching, wanting to reach up and cover the light but my body was too weak. I feel the touch of a hand on my arm and a murmuring echo of my name.

Where am I?

"Eliza?" I hear the voice again and slowly the light becomes the least blinding but the agonizing pain in my back doesn't fade.

"Eliza? Can you hear me?" The voice asked and I fixated my eyes on the elderly woman beside me. It was Madam Pomfrey.

My eyes narrowed, confused but then the painful memories returned. From waking up in Draco's bed to throwing up in the toilet, and then lying on the floor because I was in so much pain. I remember Noah tormenting me as I fade into the land of unconsciousness.

"Eliza what do you remember?" another voice asked and my eyes looked over and met Dumbledor. Then Snape. Then Mcgonagall.

What in hell?

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now