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Eliza's pov

Two days had gone by since Draco taught me how to get high and I found myself still thinking about the way I felt. Such a surreal feeling — it seemed to take away all of my worrying thoughts. I hadn't realised how packed my head had become with constant anxiety. Constantly thinking I wasn't good enough or that I was a nobody. 

It was exhausting, but I had gotten used to it.

But Draco made me feel seen.

But when I was high with the stars and Draco by my side, I felt unstoppable. Nothing mattered in those moments and I understood why it'd be easy to become addicted. However, it wasn't the weed I was worried about getting addicted to, it was Draco. No matter how nervous I am every time I think about him or come near to him — when I am with him. . . the world goes quiet.

I walked to breakfast with nervous hope that he would be there, yet I was disappointed when he was not there.

Everyone was there but him.

"Good morning, Eliza," Blaise greeted as I sat down beside Daphne, who greeted me with a smile.

"Morning," I smiled.

"So you and Draco?" asked Pansy and they all looked at me. I had a feeling they had all been talking about me before I arrived and that didn't help the anxiety that seemed to always be swimming around in my head.

I hated that my cheeks were hot and I began pouring a glass of water to hide my shyness.

"What about me and Draco?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"Well, I think it's obvious something is going on between the two of you," Theo said, meeting my eyes for a second.

"Leave her alone," Daphne told all of them as she tapped my leg. In a way that told me I didn't have to tell them anything I didn't want to.

I don't know why they suspected we were anything. Was it obvious or had Draco said something? But then again we did kiss at the party and two nights ago, but they were all high, and I doubted they took any notice.

"Theo and I asked Malfoy about it but he threatened to knock our teeth out if we asked anymore," Blaise said, with a mischievous look.

He did? Oh. Was he embarrassed by me or something?

"So when are you both going to get over yourself and admit you have feelings for one another?" asked Pansy as a smirk spread across her perfect, pouty lips.

I jumped when Adrian joined the table and banged on the table as he sat down. "Are we talking about the thing Rosier and Malfoy have goinh on?"

Oh for goodness sake— even Adrian?

"I don't know what you're all talking about—" I muttered, meeting eyes with Adrian who looked like be was trying to hide some form of anger.

"Let's talk about something else," Daphne tried her best to save me but this topic was clearly too good to dismiss.

"Oh come on," Adrian sighed, "I have ten gallons on the line here!"

I turned to face him, my eyebrows creasing with disbelief, "You're betting on me?"

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now