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Day of the masquerade ball

Eliza's pov

Yesterday, Draco had gotten himself detention. For what, I didn't know but when I agreed to help Professor Snape after lessons I didn't expect him to have a class full of students for detention. When I walked in and the five students' eyes turned to me, it sure made me regret agreeing to help Snape.

And then I saw Draco, leaning back in his chair and a smirk on his lips.

I realised I had frozen in the doorway when Snape said, "Don't mind them. You can put the books down there."

So this is why he wanted me to go get these from Mcgonagall. At first, I thought he was just being lazy but he couldn't leave because he had to watch them. I walked over to his desk and placed the heavy pile of books where he wanted them, "Mcgonagall said she has more if you need them."

I tried not to look at Draco again but it was hard when I could feel his eyes burning on me. This is how it's been since that night he asked me to the ball. We didn't tell anyone and have barely shared more than a few words—I sort of like the secrecy. All I want to do is kiss him and what makes it fun is that I know he wants the same.

Even now, as he sits in detention and I help Snape like the good student I am—the tension between him and I is wildly thrilling.

"No, those should do," Snape said, "could you pass them out." Not a question, a command.

"Sure," I said quietly and picked up the heavy books again.

I was unfamiliar with three of the boys but the two I did know were Draco and Zacharias Smith, who had a dark bruise around his eye.

"You can leave once you've read the book, Eliza is kindly handing it to you," Snape's voice echoed around me as I placed each book on their desks.

My curiosity was killing me so I dropped one of the books by Draco's desk, then went to my knees and as I picked up the book I looked up at Draco with a small smile and whispered, "what did you do?"

He leant forward slightly and whispered back, "I got in a fight with Smith."

My eyes widened, it didn't look that way. Draco had no bruises compared to Zacharias.

"What—why?" I whispered, slowly standing so it didn't look obvious.

"He said something about you," Draco said.

"Malfoy," Snape called from his desk, "quiet or you won't be going to the ball tomorrow."

Draco didn't give Snape a glance and handing Zacharias his book was much more difficult now that I knew why he was there. What did he say? I felt Draco's protective eyes on us the whole time which would explain why Zacharias didn't look at me and his jaw was tight.

Snape let me go after I handed out the books and I haven't seen Draco since. Now Pansy, Daphne and I are getting ready for the ball and all I can think about is how excited I am to see Draco. And as I look at myself in the mirror, I'm excited for Draco to see me too. The high slit in my dress made me feel scandalous and the backless back made me feel sexy.

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