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This morning I woke up and got ready for classes like I always did. And like always, I didn't spend too long looking in the mirror because I knew I wouldn't like who I saw looking back at me. My own worse enemy.

I brushed in my hair, my sparkly-earing studs glittering in the light. Earrings my mum had gifted me for my thirteenth birthday, and to this day, I still wore them. I never did much to better my appearance but those earnings made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. Or at least they used to when I was thirteen.

Now, I didn't feel pretty. I felt out of place. That's the only way I could describe myself.

I grabbed my bag and headed down. Wishing the day was over already.


Boredom was already consuming me and the day had only just started. I sat on one of the sofas with a few of my friends and they're chattering was the only thing I could hear. My hand was rested over the back of the sofa and my legs were spread comfortably. The common room was empty and I kept glancing around the large room.

I told myself I wasn't looking for anyone, but that was a lie.

And then I saw her.

The girl from the train walked past and headed out into the dungeon corridor. She walked by so quickly, I barely got a good look, but I knew it was her. Again, no one took any notice of her and I was beginning to question if I was seeing a ghost.

But then Daphne stood up in a hurry and grabbed her bag, "There she is," she muttered to herself, looking in the the direction of the girl, "I'll talk to you guys later."

No one in our group said anything as Daphne left after the girl. Daphne knew her? And yet I still have never noticed her.

"We should go to breakfast before there's nothing left," Blaise said, standing to his feet.

"Agreed," said Crabbe.

Everyone got up and I was about too, maybe in hopes of catching the girl up but then I felt a hand on my thigh, and I froze

"How about we skip classes and go to your room instead," Pansy was looking at me with her teeth biting her lips.

"I'm not in the mood today, Parkinson." I pushed her hand away and got up, catching up with Blaise and the others.


At breakfast, she was sat with Daphne a few seats down. I had noticed her the second I walked into the Great Hall and ever since it was an effort not to keep looking her way and it was starting to get on my nerves.

She smiled and a part of me wished it was me who had made her smile. She was beautiful, so beautiful, I couldn't quite comprehend it. She was pretty like a pansy or any of the other girls I have been with, her beauty was the type of beauty you couldn't look away from.

She had long light brown hair, a sharp jaw and high cheekbones. A pouty nose that was littered with freckles. Soft, pink lips that made me wonder what they felt like against my own.

Fuck! Draco stop.

But I couldn't. And I definitely couldn't help myself when my eyes went to her neck, soft and small. Her tie was loosely around her neck and her top button was undone. And although she had her Slytherin robe on, I could see her tight shirt that was right enough, and if you looked closely like I was, you could see the colour of her bra—

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now