an unknown caller

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I pick up the phone and hold it up to my ear 
it's different this time, there is still no words spoken but this time it sounds like there is an engine in the background, like from a car. I furrow my brows and peek out of the window at the driveway but I recognize all the cars in the driveway... maybe it is someone I know.
I reiterate slightly more aggressively, I jump when I get a reply, a voice I don't recognize, hoarse and deep.
"go downstairs, slowly, and stand at the bottom of the stairs next to the side cabinet, pretend to look at the invitation card that fell off the side. be very quiet and listen"
then he hangs up the phone. I think for a moment, but maybe it's too late if I wait...

I quickly take of my shoes and rush to get down the stairs quietly, at the bottom I stand next to the side table, low and behold there is the card that fell down. I look around nervously but pick up the card, now I'm slightly worried, but I keep quiet and stare at the card, there is nothing special about it. I hear a door open, my head jolts upwards, then I hear my father say something to the effect of
"she doesn't know, by the time she knows it won't matter anymore"
I perk up, is he talking about me?
a woman's voice answers
"this wouldn't even be necessary if her mother hadn't been picked off before she could break the cycle, but I suppose she is easier to control"
my hands are shaking, they are definitely talking about me... and my mom... 
"she isn't happy but this is her destiny, she won't put up a fight"

I stare down at the stupid invite and repeat the new information in my head. I am not sure what to do with it and how the random caller knew... no matter, I pocket the card and move into the living room, where I put on my shoes and sit for a few minutes just breathing heavily. was what I just heard actually real? did I imagine it? I pull out my phone and look down at the black display... what am I supposed to do? run away? stay? wait for another call? maybe I could run... I am about to walk back to my room when my father shows up in the door. he isn't a very imposing man, full head of hair even at his age, thin glasses, designer suit even when he is at home... but right now he is the last person I want to see. still, I smile at him nervously.
"Hi. I forgot something upstairs."
I quickly brush past him and head up the stairs, it feels like his eyes are still on me even after I am out of his sight. my phone, which I am clutching so tight I can see my knuckles, starts to vibrate.

"Hello? who are you? how do you know these things?"
the voice on the other end of the line chuckles.
"one thing after the other, now slow down, go to your father's office and look in the drawer in his desk, the key is hidden in the psychology section of his bookshelf, you have thirty minutes to grab the parcel with your mother's name on it, lock the drawer, head to your room, carefully unwrap the parcel and replace it with another book, head back inside and replace the fake parcel. hide the contents of the parcel in your green purse, keep it with you, don't let it out of your sight."
I swallow, I am confused, I am... I am...
"ah, alright..."
he hangs up, I stand and quickly head down the hall with my shoes off again, I try the office door, it's unlocked, and slip into my dad's perfectly orderly office, the psychology section is easily found, the key isn't that well hidden if you know where to look. I unlock the drawer, in my head I keep replaying scenario after scenario of my father walking in on me rifling through his drawer, I am listening for steps outside, did I close the door?

I find the parcel, lock the drawer, dash out of the room and into mine. with shaking hands I unwrap the handily sized package and reveal a beautifully decorated binding, I panic grab the novel I have been reading and shove it into the envelope and tape it shut, then shove the other book into my purse. before I can hurry out of the room I hear my father's steps heading up the stairs. I start praying to whoever may listen, don't go into the office, don't go into the office... I hear him muttering something to himself quietly as he walks along... into the bathroom. I wait until I hear him head back down the stairs to rush over at breakneck speed. the last few seps are easy, I replace the parcel, lock the drawer, replace the key, close the door head down the stairs, put on my shoes... I am breathing heavy, my head feels light, but I walk into the garden to calm myself. I'd much prefer the chatter of my aunt and her friends to the silence inside the house.

the garden is slowly filling up with people I barely know, I wonder how many know what I'll go through later tonight... I wonder how many know what I heard from my father whyt feels like minutes ago... is it minutes ago? has it been hours? Hell if I know... I shake my head a few times, once, twice, then I sit down on one of the deck chairs. what has this day become? I bury my face in my hands, just when I think it can't get any worse I hear a familiar voice behind me.
"hey alice!"
I can't stand the way he grins at me, he's wearing another dumb polo shirt, is he in on this thing to? Leon sits next to me, way to close. he smells like too much expensive body spray... I force myself to smile.
"hello Leon, how are you?"
I scoot away from him slightly, but he just scoots closer, I want to punch him... 
"doing good now you're with me."
I sigh.
"well parties, am I right?"
he laughs, I scoot away and he follows.
"hey, maybe we should go for a drive around town later"
"ah, no thanks"
I get up
"I have to go get something"
I quickly hurry away from him and try to lose him but he doesn't get the hint and follows me to the kitchen. I busy myself with helping the maid finish making some mini sandwiches as he talks about his car. I give her a look and roll my eyes but she just shrugs. I can't believe I will be stuck with this asshat for the rest of my days.

I help carry out the trays and fill up the champagne glasses, eventually he does leave to go do whatever, the evening becomes later, the sun starts to set slowly and the band starts to play on the gazebo in the yard. the moment of dread is coming closer, I stare at my phone, at my call history as though I can summon the mystery man by just thinking about him enough, honestly being murdered by some rando sounds better than my current situation. when leon jumps on the stage mid song I know what is coming, he kneels, I try to smile but it turns into a frown.
he says the words, I don't really hear them over the coos and cheers of the crowd, my father's words ring in my ears, she won't put up a fight... I turn around and walk. I walk and walk, into the house, into my room, I lock my door, I sit on the bed, I wrack my brain. my phone lights up, a message this time. 
"look out of the window"

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