The fair Fern and the brown Wolf

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I struggle to stay composed, it's hard to think over the echo in the training hall. a thousand voices, and a thousand footsteps. the ringing of blade upon blade, the zipping of arrows. I breathe out and unleash my own projectile. Wood splinters as it strikes the dummy in the chest. I sigh.
"damn it."
I reach for the next arrow.

"That's enough, lady Alice. you've been training all afternoon."
Wolf takes the bow from my hands.
"Shouldn't you be with Fern?"

I turn to him, and he smiles patiently.
"Fern can handle himself, and I don't fancy standing in the corner as he has his way with his various lovers."
I raise my eyebrows.
"Various? My- Fern's a bit more... experienced than I would have expected."

Wolf chuckles.
"He is several centuries old and gets bored easily."
I sigh.
"And I'm a prude."
I earn a pat on the shoulder with my admission.
"All in due time. Now you should rest for a while, tomorrow will be a lot for you."

I let him pry the weapon from my hands and clasp it to my back. The elf huffs and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
"You look like a wet squirrel. Are you still worried about John?"
I shrug and sit down. I can't stand to look Wolf in the eyes.
"I feel powerless... that's a feeling I've come to know very well these last weeks. well... my whole life really."

He sits next to me.
"I know that feeling."
I raise my head and laugh.
"You? You're always so in control of everything. you're a soldier, a fighter and a fantastic one at that. I'm supposed to be some great hero, but I can't even awaken my own powers."
now wolf is the one laughing.

"Yes, but I worked hard to get to where I am now. I was a war orphan in a world that had no time to care what became of me. I became this good an archer poaching game and selling the meat and pelts for survival. I joined the academy when I was several years older than all of the other recruits, it was humiliating and some days I wondered if I could ever make it in the war."
I watch his eyes, green and unfathomably deep. I can't work out what he is trying to convey to me.

"So... what changed? how did you make it?"
He looks at me for a moment.
"I got lucky, first of all. I saved the life of another soldier when the academy was infiltrated by a shadow cult. That soldier was Fern, a prince forced to enrol in the military after a major misstep, and we became friends. You already got lucky in that way. John found you before your father could delay the prophecy another generation. you have powerful friends, you're here."
He smiles and pats my head.
"but even if we hadn't gotten lucky, ultimately it is up to us what we make of ourselves. Even if you have to fight another one hundred years to awaken your powers, maybe you can work around it. maybe, what you needed, was for someone to hand you a bow and some arrows- and I'm sure if you ask Fern, he will happily offer you any weapon or armour and a competent teacher."

I nod. I knew this was the case deep down, and I think he understands that. I think he wants to use this lesson as an offer. I reciprocate the smile.
"I want to learn, while I try to awaken my powers. now that I am no longer constantly on the run... I feel I have the freedom to linger and really work on my combat abilities."
I pause, and add, more quietly,
"I just hope the peace lasts long enough."

Wolf stands and offers me his hand.
"Come on, let's get you to bed. I could use some rest myself, actually."
I pause for a moment when I stand up.
He looks back down at me inquisitively.
"I hope we can keep talking like this. You do a good job at giving me hope when I need it."

We walk back to my door in silence. I mumble a quiet goodnight to him before I slip into the dark chamber beyond the ornate door. Deliah is awake and sitting up on the bed.
She looks so tired and small, it scares me. Deliah was always the stronger one between us.

"Are you alright?"
I sit next to her on the bed.
"I had another vision..."
I put my hand on hers and try to comfort her.
"What was it?"

She shakes her head.
"Nothing important, something about a party we'll attend in the future... but I forgot how jarring they are. it was so sudden, and it just drains me so much... I have no control..."
I hug her close to me and hold her as she is wracked by sobs.
"I can't help you like this, Alice... my only reason to be here is out of reach now..."

I hold her out to look her in the eyes.
"Deliah I would not be here without you. if you are exhausted, I'll just have to pick up the slack."
We hug again.
"Thank you Alice. You're a good friend."
I lay her down and wait, until her breath becomes slow and even, then I lay down next to her and try to sleep, myself. My eyes burn as they stare into the darkness.

Tap Tap

I sit up and turn towards the origin of the noise, one of the large round windows in the room, obscured by curtains. I never noticed them before. Probably a bird. I sigh and lay back down.

Tap Tap

This time it's the other window. I peer over towards it. Unlike last time, I can see into the gap between the sheer fabric and glass from my position, but I see nothing. I take a deep breath and feel my eyes drift shut.

Tap Tap Tap.

A talon lightly strikes the glass. it's the size of a human hand, but I only see it for a moment before it retreats not to return. I lay in silence for several agonising minutes, heart hammering in my chest, until I finally calm down enough to fall asleep, exhausted.

I am awoken by a rapid knock on the door. For a moment I fear the tapping on my window has returned, but the room is light, and Deliah is awake, getting dressed. I sigh in relief and quickly slip into a different robe from the wardrobe, packing the blue one in the knapsack I've been given. it's too big for me, but it's better than having nothing- white with some nice silver embroidery around the collar and wide sleeves. I belt it and step into the slippers I found, tan flats made of thick cloth, wood, and some other material I can't identify.

I hurry to the door and find Fern greeting me.
"Are you girls almost ready?"
I nod and turn to Deliah. She looks graceful as always in a green dress, but she's obviously still exhausted. She gives me a reaffirming smile.
"Yeah give us a moment, I just have to brush my hair really quick."

I shut the door and take a deep breath, before grabbing my brush and pulling it through my hair a few times. short hair is far easier to maintain, I'm glad I got that haircut. Finally, I tuck that in my bag as well.
I ask Deliah.
She replies. I open the door and force a smile for Fern and Wolf, who are waiting there.

"Let's go."

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