the silver eyes pack

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I sit up and the children run away, giggling like mad. I'm barefoot and as I look up there's john, without a shirt on and a towel around his shoulders. I'm still half asleep and in awe of how handsome he is, I notice that his hair is still wet... he must have showered. something inside me laments not having joined him... no no, what am I thinking? I don't care about men at all!
"good morning, I hope the pups didn't wake you up."

I rub my eyes and smile.
"well, about time to wake up, clock says it's half past two..."
He sits down next to me on the couch.
"Well, I keep forgetting that you need more sleep since you're not awakened yet. so don't be shy to remind me if you need more breaks or food."
my stomach growls loudly.
"food sounds good but so does a shower..."

I reach up and ruffle the blonde strands back and forth, somehow besides the mess on his head he always looks perfect.
"Why can't I have gorgeous hair like you and Deliah..."
He reaches over to ruffle mine as well, undoubtedly making a mess of my hair... well, if it wasn't a mess before.
"your hair is gorgeous."

before I can say anything he gets up.
"shower is down the hall, you can use deliah's shampoo."
I chuckle.
"Is that why you smell like vanilla cake pops?"
He mock pouts.
"you don't like vanilla cake pops?"

I get up and go to punch his shoulder playfully but my leg fell asleep so I stumble. he catches me luckily though. I smile and look up at him. he looks almost worried...
"you really do smell like cake pops..."
that was stupid of me, I scramble to try and get away but as a result we both stumble over and crash into the coffee table, bringing down a candle holder with us. I shield my face in case something hits me but all I feel upon impact is soft feathers and warm skin... I don't even want to get up.

"whoa, sorry to interrupt but did you have to take out the candle holder with you?"
I peek up at the woman there, she's incredibly pretty, her dirty blonde hair is long and falls onto her back in graceful curls. she smiles at me and her silvery eyes sparkle, her teeth are sharp and there are bites and scratches along her muscular arms.
"sorry, I tripped..."

she laughs and offers to help me up.
"Hi, I'm Shannon, I'm the alpha of the silver eye pack. you must be alice."
I give her an awkward glance.
"how come everyone knows me before I even know them..."

The woman grabs my hand and shakes it firmly, I shake it after I let go and she chuckles.
"Come on, you can borrow some of my sister's clothes, those have been on you for far too long."
She leads me out of the room and I hear john grumble something behind me, I turn and wave to him awkwardly, he gives me a crooked smile and sits down on the sofa.

Persephone raises her hands to the sky with a serene expression on her face.
"I do feel an angelic power has passed through here, it has faded quite a bit so it must have been a while back..."
Ophelia crosses her arms over her large chest and fights the urge to bite her lip.
"what direction do you think they went in?"

the girl twirls around and chuckles before pointing to the east.
"that way, they are a few days ahead of us but they can't fly or run like us so they won't be getting away from us..."
The vampire smirks and twirls the strand of hair that keeps escaping her hair updo.
"they don't stand a chance."

both women turn towards the direction they are heading. the snow is ankle deep but that doesn't stop either of them.
"should we get some coffee on the way?"
the angel scoffs and pulls her long hair over her shoulder.
"I'm on a diet, no dairy for me."

I step out of the bathroom in a new pair of jeans and a comfortable hoodie one of the male werewolves lent me. I missed wearing hoodies, I used to wear them at my college dorm when I was studying but at home I never get to wear anything comfortable. well, that is over now. I'm in a house in the depth of nowhere in a town called Greybark that has one convenience store, one school and a population of about twenty two werewolves, five park rangers and about a hundred regular civillians, most of which know about the werewolves. that's what I have been told at least.

shannon whistles when I exit the door.
"you almost look like a proper werewolf, sure smell like one thanks to Naz's stench."
I chuckle. everyone has been so friendly to me so far. If I think about it properly I'm actually having a bit of fun.
"I'll take that as a compliment. now, I could eat a horse..."
She waves me along.
"No horse tonight but I hope you like moose. we had a good hunt two nights ago and the rule is to eat the hunted meat first before we do storebought meat."

I nod along but I've never had anything like moose. maybe I will like it... maybe not...
she turns to grin at me.
"I'm kidding. you take everything very literally."
I smile at her as well and catch up to her.
"if it isn't moose, what are we eating?"

she opens the door to the kitchen and sits me down at a small side table.
"Oh the guys are going to actually have moose... I was thinking of making a casserole for you winged folks. do you like broccoli?"
I chuckle and mutter
"who likes brokkoli?"
"it's not so bad with cheese"

deliah sits down next to me at the table.
"but I'll eat whatever."
she has makeup on again, more low key than last time, just some eye makeup and lipstick in a low key mauve. her hair is tied up in a messy do.
"yeah me too."

The werewolf starts to work on the food and I get up to help her after a while. I have never cooked much in the past, only microwave meals or heating up leftovers. I find it quite fun actually, although I manage to cut my finger on the very sharp knife I was handed. 
"there we go Alice"
Shannon says as she patches me up
"savour the pain, it helps you get stronger."
I wince as she desinfects the deep cut.
"is that what you tell the kids?"

"if one of the boys gets wounded I tell him the same thing as we stitch his pelt back into place. you're never too old to be comforted."
it's in that moment that something becomes abundantly clear to me. that I don't want my old life back, I don't need to go back to college and become a journalist to be happy, I found something that is much better for me, something I'm meant to do, people I can trust, a mission to fulfill.

"hey, Shannon?"
she looks up from my hand.
"I'd like to start training some hand to hand combat, do you know anyone who can help me?"

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