Striking true

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I sink into the hot water and sigh happily. True to Fern's word, it heals my cuts and bruises, soothes my bones to the core. I want to scream, as all the stress of the past weeks sinks in on me. At least I'm safe... But once more, I find myself worried for my friends. As heavy as my bones are now, part of me wants to run back to them. I know that won't help anyone... but I fear for them.

It becomes suddenly clear to me, that I've never had friends before, and this little group has become dear to me. Deliah is like a sister to me, and John... I'm not sure what to think about that man. I trust him, I care about him deeply... I am very attracted to him. Do I love him? can I love him? Should I? He is a prince.

I find myself wondering about Fern. He is a prince, but he isn't a crown prince, as far as I understood. And he knew John? how would they have even met, let alone become friends. Fern is a bubbly social man, while John is... well a silent type. then again, I suppose opposites do attract, and I think that Fern and I could become friends as well.

I start to massage the soap I found at the side of the tub into my scalp and skin, scrubbing off blood and dirt along with my apprehension. I need to be strong now. Much stronger than I have been. For all of them.

After what feels like hours, I finally feel clean enough to climb out of the ornate basin of white marble and down the steps into the greater bath chamber. The tub itself is set in a wooden construction that looks like a tree growing around it. everything here is masterfully crafted, from the tiles on the floor to the appliances. I wrap myself in a fluffy towel and brush my teeth, then dress myself in the oddly fitted pale blue robe I pulled out of the wardrobe before heading into the bath. it beats my shredded-up sweater anyway.

As I return to the bedroom, I find Deliah sitting on the floor with her deck of tarot cards, studying them and lost deep in her own thoughts.
She startles and looks up at me.
"The bathroom is free now."

She scrambles up and puts the cards away. She looks tired as well, I note. Extremely tired.
"We'll continue trying to unlock your powers tomorrow."
She closes the door behind her as she enters the bathroom. I sigh and flop onto the massive bed and find it soft and comfortable. I don't intend to fall asleep, but it just happens. When I wake, Deliah is sleeping next to me, and the light is dimmed significantly. I can also no longer hear the voices of people from outside the door.

Since I don't have my phone anymore, I have no clue what time it is, so I assume it's the wee hours of the morning. I slip out of bed and sneak to the door. I need to move my feet, need to do something, anything. I go to the only place I know to go, the training room. As I sneak down the stairs, I'm restless, shuffling my bare feet on the cool wood. It feels like something is carrying me.

To my surprise I seem not to be the only one unable to sleep. I can hear the sound of arrows striking their target, striking true, no doubt. I round the corner to the firing range and find the brunette scout, emptying his quiver into a poor dummy.
"Can't sleep."
He explains, shortly. I nod.

He lowers his bow.
"Have you ever shot?"
I shake my head. He points to a rack at the side.
"Grab one, and a string and quiver."
I follow his instruction. There's a silent understanding between us, that we both have nothing better to do, and archery would be a beneficial skill. The handle of the bow feels cool against my palm as I return to him.

"I'm Wolf, by the way."
He finally introduces himself.
"I'm sorry I was so cagey with you before. I knew better than that, I knew you weren't a shape changer who would steal my face, and yet I chastised you. Allow me to make it up to you with lessons."

He demonstrates how to string the bow, and then makes me repeat it. it's certainly harder than it looks, and I have to put all my strength into it, but I manage.
"Good. now, come here."
He stands behind me, and shows me how to nock the arrow, how to draw the bow.
"You'll learn quick, I'm sure. you have a patient soul, perfect for an archer."
I breathe deeply and try my best to imitate the movements that look so natural and effortless when he does it.

"Good. now do it again but let the arrow go immediately. don't try to aim for longer than a second, your arms will begin to shake, it makes your hits sloppy."
I hit- the dummy's shoulder.

"No matter. a hit is a hit. see, now he can't use that arm to attack you, if he manages to spot you and get up close."
I nod.
We repeat the process a few times.
"Good. you're becoming more sure in your draw."
I smile. The honest praise makes me feel slightly more useful.

As I draw to aim he hums.
"you bias to the lefthand, that's a weakness your opponent can exploit. I'll keep you safe for now, but be aware if you're caught alone."
I laughed.
"keep me safe from what? The dummies?"
He winked, in the corner of my vision.
"they're fickle beasts."

I hit the next shot, dead centre in the neck of the training dummy.
"Never mind, seems you can handle them. Though maybe make it a bit quicker next time, the poor thing really did suffer."
I swat at him, and he catches my wrist, but lets go immediately, stepping back.

"So now that things are less awkward between us, I have a question, if you don't mind."
He gestures to the bench next to the stairwell, and I follow. Whatever he wants to know, I think perhaps I can trade it for one of the countless questions burning on my mind at this moment.
"How long did you stay isolated from everything? and why?"
I shrug.
"all 20 years of my life. I never knew I was an angel, and I thought all of this was just fiction..."
I gesture at the hallway and the training equipment.

"But... why would your parents deny you all of this? From what Fern told me... you're important. insanely important."
I sigh and push my bangs out of my face.
"That's true, apparently. I'm some kind of prophecy... prophesised... chosen one I guess."
Wolf makes a noise like he is startled by that.
"THE Prophecy? You're the promised hero of the angels?"

I nod and peek up at him. He looks surprised, those incredibly green eyes frantically looking me over.
"Surprising isn't it... that's why I was kept ignorant. My father wanted to stop it from coming true. And that's why he's after me now. every moment that I am out of his reach... I'm a threat to him."

Wolf stands, paces for a moment, then sits back down next to me.
"I think I'm beginning to understand you, and your situation. one more thing?"
I jut my chin toward him.
"go ahead."

"Is it true that this... John fellow... kidnapped you?"
I burst out laughing.
"I mean... in a way? I went with him willingly, but it was a very split-second thing. I'm happy it happened though. I met the best friends I've ever had thanks to him, and he is one of them. And now that I know the truth... I don't want to be under my father's control ever again."
he nods, and for a moment a small smile crosses his face.
"I see. I have high hopes for you. I mean it."

Wolf pats my shoulder.
"You'll figure out the whole awakening powers thing. Same as I figured out how to shoot. keep the bow. consider it a symbol of my support. Keep practising and it will serve you very well, that is a promise."
I smile and watch as he goes. I feel that we will have plenty of time to talk about the things I wish to know in the future.

Out of the corner of my eye I see the sun rising, painting the sky a wash of purples and yellows. I sigh and get up from my seat. perhaps I can get another hour of rest before tomorrow really begins.


I raise my eyes to the sky. The sun has just begun rising. I wonder if Alice is awake, or still slumbering, no doubt sharing a bed with Deliah. They are close as sisters, and I am happy they get to be by each other's side in this demanding time.

"John? let's go."
Nazeem has shouldered a pack with the supplies we... liberated...

If we work hard and don't look back, we can make it far today. it will be a rough hike, but I'm ready to brace it.
"Yes. Michael, do you have the compass?"
Michael replies with a yes. He spent all of last night petting Nazeem, who slept in his lap as a wolf. They are unlikely friends, but good ones, and I know Nazeem has a lot of affection for the angel, even if he would never say it.

We begin our hike. with every hour I put more distance between myself and the woman I swore to protect. I hope to the earth and sky that it will not be in vain, and that I am making the right decision.

Then again... I trust her more than I've ever trusted myself. 

Dark flight - Lore of the angelic book 1Where stories live. Discover now