Followed again

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Persephone sits down on the fluffy arm chair and sips her cup of tea, her servant is cowering on the ground, trying his very best not to drip any blood from his nose onto the carpet.
"Haah... why are all my servants so dumb?"
She empties her cup and throws it at him.
"I'll make sure the council hears about this, now scram"

Ophelia is leaning against the only free spot on the wall, the only spot that isn't covered completely in stuffed animals and potted plants, none of which persephone has ever watered herself, it has always been servants who do everything for her.
"so, what do we do now?"
Persephone folds her arms and breathes out.

"well I need to concentrate and see if I can get a read on her location"
She starts to take deep breaths and focus on her center, the vampire watches quietly, she judges but doesn't say anything. she just wants this to be over...

"ha! I got a vision of her"
the angel opens her eyes and giggles in a childlike manner.
"and guess who is with her, hmm?"
Ophelia furrows her brows and waits for the answer not bothering to take any guesses. the seer wants the ultimate triumph and will take no other outcomes for an answer.
"I don't know"
She grins.
"Michael Hearth!"

I sigh as I drop into the actual bed in the actual hotel room.
"so what makes this hotel different from all the other ones we couldn't stay in."
John sighs. he insisted on staying right by my side at all times, it took me an hour of convincing the others to accept their separate rooms and not all dog piling onto the bed with me.
"nothing, I just realised that I can't make you all sleep in the car forever. tomorrow we're going to go buy some camping supplies to make it harder to track us, but we have to change some things about our general appearance first, right now we are pretty easy to recognize. remember the story and stick close by me and we should be fine."

I sit up and furrow my brows.
"Like what?"
John shrugs.
"I thought I could cut your hair, maybe dye it darker. my idea was that I'm your feance, michael is my brother, deliah is your sister and Nazim is her husband. we're on a road trip to celebrate our engagement."
I smile and scoot to sit next to him on the edge of the bed.
"You might have to fight Michael, doubt he would want you to marry me or be your brother."

John chuckles and wraps an arm around my shoulder. I relax into his side, he's become a real... well comfort for me. I enjoy his company and the conversations we have... 
"if he complains too much he can be married to Nazim instead, gods know they bicker like a married couple"
I laugh into my sleeve.
"so, are you gonna step outside and argue the issue with him tonight or will you stay in the room with me?"

He pulls me in closer and ruffles my hair.
"If you want me to stay I will."
"Deliah did tell us to get a room"
Before I know what's happening I'm on the bed, John pinning me down with a grin on his face that makes my stomach tingle with excitement. He is being very gentle with me, and I'm sure he is joking... 
"Oh? is that what you're after?" 
I mirror his grin and wiggle my hands out from under his wrists, setting both on his shoulders, grabbing onto his T-shirt.

I catch his eyes... perfect Amber with little brown flecks in it... and a hint of something golden.
"Looks like we're in agreement then..."
I can't really process the words, his lips feel hot against my neck, and I consider, only for a moment, to let him continue with this cruel joke... but I push him away. 
"No stop... not like this"
He looks down at me again, concerned? maybe a little disappointed, I can't really tell for certain.
"ok... I understand."
Now I can pin his expression. shame, guilt.

I sit up as he pulls away, sitting down at the edge of the bed where he was before, running both hands over his face and through his hair.
"I... uhm..."
I force myself to smile.
"I thought you were joking..."
He looks over at me and smiles as well.
"I... think it was... until it wasn't..."

I scoot to sit directly next to him again and put my hand on his.
"do you wanna talk about it?"
He shakes his head and gets up.
"I think I need to think about what I'll say first. I'm taking a shower"
I wave and as the bathroom door closes I flop onto my back and... just think... what could have happened if I hadn't stopped him... would we have really followed through with it? are we those types of people? Having sex with him in a random hotel room on the run from my father's lackeys and the police with a wolf man, my best friend and a sulking angel just one room over isn't really my definition of how I wanted this to go down... not that I want or don't want to sleep with him... he's handsome, we mesh well... but I never saw him as a romantic interest...

especially with what I know now... that he's not only royal but also thousands of years old... like my father... it's bizarre to think. before I know it the door opens and he steps out, towel around his bare shoulders. I admire the perfect lines of muscle...
He takes a deep breath and sits next to me.
"I just... I denied myself even so much as the thought... that maybe I could love you, as more than the last hope of my people... and I have barely known you, but still I've come to the conclusion that you would make a better queen than I could ever be a king. And if that means I remain your protector without ever touching you then I'm content with that lot in life... because I consider you a friend."

I swallow, it's difficult to take it all in...
"What if I don't want to be queen? I mean... it's your throne..."
He smiles and takes my hand, gingerly closing my fingers around his.
"Even now you're so unsure of everything. I won't just drop you into this, and let's think of this one step at a time. for now let's concentrate on unlocking your powers and figuring out what to do about my... affections."

I'm not sure how to answer... did his huge convoluted speech earlier include a love confession or not?
"I mean... I'm attracted to you... but I don't know if that all would even work... we should just wait and see I think..."
He smiles, squeezes my hand.
"I'd better pick out something to do while I wait tonight."
"Or you could sleep?"
He gestures around the room at the double bed, the floor, the hanging lamp on the ceiling.
"and where would I do that?"
I smile and pat the sheets.
"In bed, with me"

Dark flight - Lore of the angelic book 1Where stories live. Discover now