Cage of Gold

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Fern brushes into the dress shop. A little bell jingles brightly and I stumble in after him, decidedly less graceful.
"Good morning, Aster, I've a young lady to dress."
A head of red hair pokes out from behind the counter, a man wearing oval glasses and a well-tailored green vest over a white shirt and matching pants. A very masculine, Victorian look in a place where most people seem to be wearing robes, cloaks, and soft cloth pants regardless of gender.

"Ahh... the infamous Alice I assume? The wife has been going on about her."
He laughs. His teeth are sharp and- is that a tail?
"Well, what are you looking for? light brown hair... light skin, I think she would look nice in a strong colour..."
Aster circles me like he's surveying.
"She likes red."
Wolf chimes, I nod, but Aster shakes his head.
"Red is too strong for a ballroom setting. It will seem obnoxious and desperate... oh, how about... a dusty pink? or lavender?"

I don't mind either colour.
"Didn't you say a strong colour would suit me?"
Aster nods and smiles.
"a colour does not have to be bright, to be strong."

the Shopkeeper disappears into the back of the store and begins rifling around. Most of the pieces on display in the front of the shop seem more casual, but obviously Fern knows him. my eyes catch on a wooden mannequin, in the corner, wearing pants and a more modern looking top, a kind of corset tank top that tapers to a point in the bottom. it's red. I remember how much I love red, and step over to admire the quality of the fabric.
"Do you like it?"

I startle and turn to Wolf, who joined me, silently.
"I think you should ask to try it on."
He's right. I really want to.
"You'll need something to train in anyhow, and while this is a little too nice... if you need to dress well but want to have the freedom of movement, this will come in handy."
I feel the boning.
"Yeah, I should ask Fern about it."

"Ask me about what?"
Fern has spontaneously appeared behind us, and I turn around.
"Stop that"
The prince squints at the top I was staring at.
"Yeah, it's your style. you should try it. Get the pants too."

I turn to Wolf, when I'm sure he has wandered off again.
"I can't wait to get back to the palace... is it just me or does Fern take it to 200% with the sass when shopping?"
The scout shrugs.
"He's the same in battle. you get used to it."

When Aster returns to the shopfront holding several boxes and hangers in his arms expertly. He sets them down on the counter and looks to me.
"Oh, that? My wife designed that one, it's the style she prefers. I've got more in the back, if you want to have a look..."
I nod and watch as he drapes out several pieces for gowns, from underskirts to panels of cloth. Fern begins to mull over the different pieces on offer, chattering about beading. Astor hurries to grab another box.
"Go through these and pick out whichever ones you like, Fern is going to take a while over there."

The man winks at me and turns to assist my friend in his choosing. I peer inside the box and hols up a top quite similar to the one on the rack, in a deep blue, embroidered with silver thread.
"This one is gorgeous."
I turn it this way and that, and Wolf hums in agreement.
"I think these will suit you very well."

After a half hour Fern finally picks out three different gowns, And I decide on three different top and pants combinations, which I insist on carrying myself like a child with a new toy. I'm excited, for the first time today, to have clothes that I really like and chose from first sight. Fern and Wolf are arguing, because Fern insists on visiting the jeweller, while wolf wants to take me to the armorer.

Another shop catches my eye, though. A store for books and stationary materials. I find myself wondering what sort of books elves read, and I wander over to the window, to peer inside and look at the intricate covers. Some are painted with scenes or landscapes. I spot a girl amid a herd of sheep, a dragon curled around a standing lantern, a knight atop a black horse... I can't read the elvish language, but they're still rather beautiful. Those that aren't painted, are still decorated intricately. The boys finally catch up with me and look over my shoulders.

"OH, you like books, don't you?"
Fern snaps his fingers.
"But these are all in our tongue..."
He sounds mournful for a few moments, but pushes past me and enters the store. I hastily follow him, eager to see if the store has anything of interest for me. My eyes get caught on the shelves upon shelves of stationary, matching letter sets, ink...

"Excuse me, do you carry books in human languages?"
Fern asks the woman behind the counter, who begins flipping through a ledger.
"We have a few classics... Nothing from the current day though, we don't sell a lot... have you checked the citadel?"
Fern shakes his head.
"No, I haven't been in a long time."

I look at the paper sets, trying to focus on the things I can understand rather than the things I can't. I feel a sheet of paper and sigh. Not that I have anyone to write with... I doubt John has a post address. I'm beginning to wonder about him and the others... are they alright? I haven't heard a thing from them since we separated.

I didn't realise I was clutching a pot of ink with white knuckles.
"Are you alright?"
Wolf takes the ink out of my hand and gently sets it down on the shelf. He smooths over my palms with his thumbs, and it grounds me.
"I think I need to step outside."

He takes me by the hand and leads me out into the sun. The weather is so nice out here...
"You're worried about them again... about him..."
He is right... exactly right. I look up to him and his eyes lock onto mine.
"I'll go to the guards tonight and ask them for word, alright?"
I nod. Knowing he's on my side makes me feel a lot better.
"Do you want a pastry?"
He points to the bakery across the way.

I nod.
"Can I get one to bring to Deliah as well?"
He winks.
"You got it."

After that little incident we decide to cut the shopping trip short so I can rest in my room for a bit, before visiting Deliah in the infirmary. The apple pastry I made Wolf buy for her is still resting in my bag. I've changed into the red shirt and a pair of black pants and boots. I feel comfortable, and when I catch myself in the mirror, I look like the heroine of a storybook. Especially when I sling my bow and quiver around my shoulder.

I may have spent a lot longer than necessary posing in front of the mirror. The infirmary is located near the Mage's guild building, and Wolf is accompanying me to the door, since he needs to head in the same direction as me. The scout is telling a story about hunting a troll that has been attacking some villages with Fern, but I am only half listening.
"Alright, here we are."

He gestures to a set of ornate double doors depicting two rearing unicorns.
"Thanks for walking me here..."
He smiles.
"No problem. I'll pick you up in an hour, alright?"
I nod and wave, as I move to push the doors open.

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