the secret cathedral

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I stumble after John through the trees for a while, over roots and stones. these cheap sneakers barely protect my feet from the floor but I guess it's better than going barefoot or in those heels I was wearing yesterday. 
"can we slow down a little?"
John sighs but he slows down a bit to let me catch up with him.
"Come on, we need to get there before the sun is fully gone"

I nod and we continue, I feel like I am much more comfortable running suddenly. finally we break through the trees onto a space with a tiny church surrounded by a fence and thorny rose hedge.
"welcome to the secret cathedral"
He says as he leads me though the hedge.
"What do you mean, cathedral? that's barely a church."
I laugh but he grins like he's up to something. I pout.
"what are you planning?"

He pulls me inside without another word, as we pass through I see a flash of his wings, then we stand in the grand entrance of what looks to indeed be a cathedral, one that is so big it's filled with various other buildings and even a castle. far, far above us there's a stained glass dome ceiling, underneath us, a set of stairs leading into the bustling city below.
He pats me on the back.
"Promise too much missy?"

I turn to him, my excitement is obvious on my face.
"This is amazing, and this has been here this entire time?"
I only remember that he isn't currently wearing a shirt, and that I have his suit jacket tied around my waist when I come face to face with his bare skin.
"yes, my eyes are up here."
he lifts my chin and gives me that crooked smile I seem to have earned in the past few hours we spent together before lightly patting my cheek twice and walking down the stairs. who allowed him to be so confident!?

"Hey, where are we going?"
He doesn't turn back as he answers.
"To the wizard guild"
"What for real?"
I hop down to walk next to him, trying not to stumble.
"No, we're going to get a room at the inn so you can get your precious beauty sleep and a shower while I find us something to eat."

we walk down the main street and I can't choose where to look first, we're surrounded by people in all sorts of clothes, some modern, some more like they fit into the area. some people look at us as we walk down the street but nobody says anything.
"So... what is this place?"
John looks down at me.
"This is the secret cathedral, the only city of fallen angels. the only active city the council hasn't found and laid to waste yet anyways."

I peek into shop windows at clothes and items I have never seen before except maybe on TV in fantasy films or in video games I would play at my best friend's house as a kid.
"so all these people are like you?"
"most are, there are some other creatures here too..."
I try not to gawk at anyone we pass but I feel alien here and people are certainly gawking at us... though maybe that's because John is shirtless. he taps my shoulder and points out a large building with culourful lanterns hung from the various decorative swirls in the facade.
"that's where we're going. best inn in town."

I fall into the bed with a sigh. it's soft and a whole lot better than what we were staying at last night and it's probably worlds better than sleeping in the car. John paid for the room but I'm not sure how much, it looks like this place has it's own currency. Still, the room is nice, the sheets are silky, the mattress soft and the furniture is a lovely dark wood. honestly some of it looks antique, decorated with carved leaves and vines... the cabinet in the corner has coloured glass windows in it. I took a bath in the adjoining bathroom, which is equally old fashioned in decor, but I like it, at least it's clean.

john has disappeared into the city after we checked in, does he ever sleep? I'm wearing the shirt I was during the day because I don't really have night clothes, but long as I stay under the covers I will be fine. I snuggle into the soft comforter and stretch. 
"finally some sleep..."

I fall asleep easily in the comfortable sheets. when I open my eyes again I am standing in the middle of a brighter version of the secret cathedral, there are people with black and white wings walking alongside one another. on the opposite of the square I am standing on there's a woman. she has my hair and is wearing a white dress. I instantly recognize her even though I have never seen her before.
She smiles.

I stumble towards her with a gasp in my throat. 
She says, I stop before I can touch her.
The scene around me changes from the prosperous city to the crumbling remains of a ruin.
"Alice, look around you. you must succeed where I could not..."
I turn around myself and look at the remains of the secret cathedral and find torn out feathers, black as ink, and blood coating the floor, and at my feet, a blue shimmering feather like the one I received from John.

"he is a valuable ally, trust him, open your heart and your true power will show."
Before I can answer I wake up suddenly. John sits at my side with a worried expression on his face, his wings are out and shielding me from the light.
"you were tossing around like you were having a bad dream. I wasn't sure if I should wake you up..."
I quickly pull the blanket back over my bare legs and glare at him.
"Yeah I had a bad dream... can you get out? I'm literally not wearing pants"

He raises his hands up into the air and turns to let me get dressed.
"I ordered some food up to the room, I prefer to stay away from the tavern section..."
I pull on my pants and change into the other shirt. it's absolutely hideous in my opinion but I guess I'm stuck with it. I really don't care what I'm wearing.
"So you said there would be food?"
He points to the table in the corner of the room.
"It's still warm."

I sigh and walk over to the pladder, finally some real food.

Michael looks around the small one room appartment type stay the girl was last seen in, he is dressed more casually than before, a plain white T-shirt and jeans, and his favourite sneakers. he never understood the buzz around expensive designer shoes, they are not as comfortable and easy to wear and much too expensive.

he walks over to the bed and runs a hand over the sheets. in his head he can't help but imagine the torment the poor girl could be feeling the moment she slept here. has the fallen tied her up? god forbid he has done something to her she didn't want... he shakes his head, he will take vengeance for her if necessary. he walks back to the stove.
"he didn't leave any trace... that's impossible..."

he takes a deep breath and walks right back out of the room. there is no time to waste, he needs to find the girl, she needs his help.

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