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I watch as two servants bring up a garland of purple flowers over a doorway and sigh, as I run my hands over my dress. It's a gown, the colour of a sunset blending from yellow to deeply purple and decorated with small stones that glimmer like stars. When Fern dressed me, I initially protested, cause I was scared to outshine the bride... or rather the groom... but he assured me that I needed to dress this fancy to not be outpaced by everyone else.

The wedding is set to begin tonight, but I have been frantically helping the palace prepare for the occasion. I've been informed that Fern's oldest brother will also be attending with his own wife.

Hare and Oak have been bustling about the palace making sure everything is perfect. I have no idea how they can be so calm. This is the biggest wedding I've ever been to, much bigger than the one I would have had, had I decided to stay with my father instead of going on the run. I can't believe how my life has changed, and it has only been... maybe two months. Admittedly I lost track of time for a while.

"All ready for the party today, Alice?"
Hare seems to have taken a moment to join me on one of the rows and rows of benches.
"Guess so... as ready as I can be. Hare, I have a few questions if you have the time..."
I request and he nods.
"Sure, I can spare a few moments."

I take a deep breath.
"How come everyone here speaks English if you have your own language?"
Hare looks up to the garlands and replies in his even voice.
"There was a congress many moons ago, when the Celestial coup had not yet taken place. Around the time mother was newly expecting with my oldest brother I believe... when all the races came together, both magical and non-magical, and a language had to be agreed on, so the languages of humans were chosen, since they had the least stakes in our squabbling at the time and only few representatives of theirs were present."

He pauses for a few breaths, then continues on slightly quieter.
"Besides, some of the races that live in symbiosis and parasitic relationship to the humans... Vampires for example... already only speak their tongues. We chose modern English because it is easy to learn and widespread. Subsequently it became mandatory for children to grow up learning it."

I take a few moments to process.
"That makes sense... I think."
I have a million follow up questions, but I settle on one.
"What races are there exactly?"
Hare snorts.
"Too many to list here. Which ones are you familiar with? Maybe I can tell you a bit on a few of them? And I'll happily tutor you in culture and history on... another occasion."

"Can you tell me more about the angels? my people?"
Hare nods and leans back.
"You have your own language as well, you know? The Celestial tongue is an ancient and melodic language, though since it was outlawed by the high council when they took control, I've only known one person who spoke it."

I whisper quietly, and Hare nods.
"If anyone could have taught you, it would have been him."
My eyes drift to the marble floors and I feel tears sting my eyes.
"Why didn't he teach me more? I would be much further along my road if he had..."

I feel a hand placed on my shoulder warmly.
"Your road is not an easy one, the ox does not blame itself for the pace of the wagon when the path leads up a steep hill. You are a strong person, despite what you think of yourself."
He stands up and pats off the beautiful deep purple robe he is wearing.
"Try to enjoy yourself today. I insist. You don't want to make me worry for you on my wedding, do you?"

I laugh and shake my head.
"Of course not, Hare. Thank you."
He winks and disappears into the crowd as quickly as his namesake.

I decide to return to my room before I spill something on my pretty dress.

as the door closes behind me, I feel a quiet peace wash over me. My eyes fix on my knapsack, discarded carelessly in the corner. There is one thing inside... the book I stole- no stole isn't the right word- liberated from my father. I haven't looked at it since I put it inside there, and I don't think I remember ever having checked the pages... It was with John most of the time.

Determined to find answers, I reach inside the bag and produce the pearl set book. It looks the way I remember it when I first took it, and shimmers prettily as I twist it back and forth. I can ascertain nothing from the cover, but my faint reflection in the decoration. I flip it back and forth a few times. it is closed by a latch on the side, which I carefully flip open with my thumb.

I take a shaky breath and open it- to find it must be a kind of spellbook. From what I can ascertain anyways. The language between the covers makes no sense to me, but it appears to be... oddly familiar, framing drawings of plants, places, describing complex woven patterns and detailed drawings on every page.

I flip frantically, page after page of this, page after page of information denied to me in swirling, beautiful letters. Could this be the language of my people? The celestial tongue Hare told me about only a few moments ago?
"Why didn't you tell me this..."
I ask into the nothingness. Maybe he can hear me now, I wonder if angels believe in an afterlife...

I close the book and latch it, but a quick knock on the door startles me, so I shove it under my pillow.
"One second!"
I quickly set out my brush to cover up what I was doing. I hurry, with rustling skirts, to open the door.

I squeal in delight when I see who is waiting for me- Deliah in a vibrant butter yellow dress. I hug her and we both jump excitedly, making our dresses sway.
"You're out of the infirmary!"
I say, and she grins.
"Wouldn't ever miss out on Fern's brother's wedding- Do you think there will be cake?"
I swat at her.
"Stop thinking about food so much!"

She brushes past me, and I close the door.
"Can you do my hair?"
she asks, as she plops down on the side of my bed.
"Man this room is way nice... I'm kind of jealous you know?"
I grab my brush and sit behind to pull it through her silky black hair.

"I heard you had a date with Wolf?"
I roll my eyes. I will never hear the end of that rumour.
"It wasn't a date... really. We just had a picnic in the woods cause I was feeling down, and Wolf is my friend, so he wanted to cheer me up."
She hums.
"Right... but it was just the two of you in the woods all day talking about your feelings?"

I shrug.
"Pretty much. there was also wine and food..."
Deliah turns her head to look over her shoulder.
"So a date."

"No... A friendly picnic."
I insist, ignoring that I almost kissed him and that I still get heart palpitations whenever he looks me in the eyes.
"Suuure... so what were you doing? When I knocked... your aura was totally freaking out."
I stammer. I had no idea seers could see stuff like that, but I guess they're basically psychic, so it makes sense they would.

"I guess there's no real point in lying to you, since you know I have it... I was looking at that book we've been hauling around, since I realised, I had never taken a look before... actually, can't you have a look at it? Maybe you can make sense of it."

I reach under my pillow and pull it out, handing it to her. Deliah unlatches it, opens to the first page, and slams it shut.
"Are you sure I should be seeing this?"

"Why? what is it?"
She takes my hands.
"It's your family grimoire. That's something insanely personal... and these things are highly illegal as well..."
I hesitate, but nod.
"Not like I can read it anyway, and you're practically my sister, so it's cool."
She flips it back open and her eyes fly over the pages.
"I can't read it either, but I know my magic, so I know what this is... By the looks of it your ancestors were adept summoners and guardians. Can't say what you were guardians of though."

I lean back on the bed and sigh.
"So what you're saying all we got was more questions..."
She gives me an apologetic look and pats my knee.
"Sorry girl..."

Dark flight - Lore of the angelic book 1Where stories live. Discover now