new revelations

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Michael leans against his motorcycle and checks his smartphone. no updates from his superior or his team. He takes a deep breath of relief. he doesn't want to admit he lost the track. the bleep of the tracker disappeared somewhere in the woods further up and he did not know how to explain it.

"ok, onward then..."
he puts on his helmet and hops onto his machine to follow up to where he had last tracked the girl. he is terrified, not only for what will happen to him if he fails, but also for her. god knows what she is going through... 

I follow John through the street of the secret cathedral, I can't keep my eyes off all the different windows of the shops, something smells delicious, there are even some children playing up ahead. 
"where are we going?"
I ask as we pass by what looks to be a book store.
"We're going to meet someone who can help you activate your powers so you are no longer as helpless as you currently are. you are an arch angel, I saw your wings when we entered the cathedral, you just can't access any of the gifts you have had from birth."
I sigh and look at the floor, it's made of perfectly smooth marble.
"Will it be difficult?"

He gives me a sad look and a solemn nod.
"I'm afraid you won't get a quiet life."
I smile at him, which causes his brows to furrow
"it's a whole lot better than getting married to some boring guy and having children. I hope maybe after this is over I can go back to school..."
He sighs and we stop.

"Look, this is something that will follow you your entire life. you will always be an arch angel and in the grand scheme of things, you will be an outcast."
I know that all of this will have changed my life, but it hasn't occurred to me that I cannot go back... or maybe I can... but I don't want to.
"You're an outcast too though... you won't leave me alone, right?"
He shakes his head and smiles.
"Not until you have found your footing in this world."

I give him a grin and, despite myself, I grasp his hand. it's big but the skin is very smooth.
"I can do it then. whatever needs to be done, if you show me how."
He doesn't let go of me as we keep walking down the street towards the huge castle like structure at the very back of the cathedral.

There is the car, undoubtedly...
"But where did they go?"
Michael steps around the mercedes and checks through the windows. the keys are gone, he notes, and so is most of the things inside, the book isn't here but he can still feel it's magic. the girl might have been here... likely... the fallen would not have killed her, she is too important. with a defeated sigh he sits down on the ground next to the car.

The woman who's office we are standing in is beautiful. I look at her long black hair with envy, why does she get to be so pretty? I don't know why it bothers me but it's not like I can compare, I'm not wearing any make up and have nothign on my body but a pair of skinny jeans and a striped shirt with a purple cat, she's dressed in jewels and silk and her wings are a deep shade of black. her face is painted delicately in shimmering purples.
"Show me your hands, Alice"

I reluctantly hold out my hands and she looks down at them with a concentrated crease in her brow. 
"She has a lot of powerful magic flowing in her veins... I think she may be a pure blood."
her face is calm but John's lips make an o shape as he hears the news.
"I knew she was the daughter of the high council member's daughter but a pure blood?"
"It appears her mother was an arch angel as well"

I look back and forth between them.
"Two female arch angels in a row? and a pure blooded woman! Could the prophecy really be coming true?"
The girl nods and takes a deep breath in.
"It undoubtedly is... I must immediately start to unblock her, but I'm not sure I can do it in time..."
I don't know what is going on, but I feel like I can't pry my mouth open. I don't know what to ask even...

"Is there a faster way?"
She looks up at him.
"I don't know, last time I unblocked an arch angel I was still in the fold- not to mention she is a pure blood. I really don't know..."
I look at john with a confused expression, he just nods.
"Start to unblock her, I will search what is left of the archive for any information."

I reach out to stop him. I don't want him to leave me alone with this random girl.
"How long will this take? when will you come back?"
He takes my hand and gives it a squeeze.
"I'll come back in a few hours to let you know what I figure out"
He leaves without another word to me, letting my hand go at the last second.

I'm alone with the woman who immediately gets to work drawing some sort of symbols on my arms and hands.
"Look, I know this is a lot to take in, but I need you to relax, this will be difficult enough as it is."
I nod and try to take deep breaths.

John walks into the library and immediately begins to look through records, ignoring the skinny librarian completely, despite the man's protests.
"Pure blood power activation."
he sends out a ray of power to skim the depths of the library in an instant, coming up with nothing.
"Ah damn it... of course they wouldn't keep them in the main chamber."
He strides through the rows of books towards the back wall, where he tugs on a candle holder to open a secret passsageway. without another look back he descends the spiralling stairs into the actual archives, only few people know of them, he happens to be one of them.

most of the books and record were destroyed when the old library of the fallen was burnt to the ground during the raid on the obsidian grounds about two centuries ago. when the fallen rebuilt the archive they of course thought to hide the more important books underground, where the council wouldn't be able to find it.

He runs his hands over the backs of the books and sighs, his magic does not work down here, this might take a while. a long while.
"no way around it, better start now..."

Dark flight - Lore of the angelic book 1Where stories live. Discover now