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Fern waves us along and I follow him closely as he chatters happily.
"You're just lucky I was in the area, then again John has always had more luck than anything else... The gods seem to simply adore him. I don't blame them, though."
All eyes are on us as we pass many soldiers in a long stairwell, but for once they seem not to be on me, but rather the prince.
"I guess I should clarify- John and I are old friends, you could say. I have known him for... oh! forever."
He doesn't turn to talk to us. I exchange a long look with Deliah, who shrugs.

"I hope Wolf didn't give you any trouble. he's a grumpy old man..."
I look over to the scout that helped us. He doesn't look like an old man, but he sure is grumpy.
"He has his reasons though; you will come to understand them soon enough."

I decide to trust him as we reach the top of the wooden stairs. I look back and realise it's a spiral- a very large spiral. The banister is flanked by two statues of perching gryphons at the top, their watchful eyes are cast down at those walking up and down the steps.
"Come on, I'll show you where you can rest and wash up... Wouldn't want you sleeping in bloody clothes..."
I look down at myself, and he's right. I'm absolutely slathered in my own blood.
"Do you guys have doctors?"

Fern looks back at me.
"no worries, a bath will take care of it."
I raise my eyebrows and he chuckles.
"Oh you have such a refreshingly complicated view of life. the springs we build our settlements and fortresses on are... flowing with life and magic. the water itself will heal you. in fact, consuming it our entire lives is what makes us so... decidedly long lasting and youthful."

I nod, slowly.
"Well by now it's less necessary, but the fact stands... the water is very valuable to our culture."
Fern unlocks a door with an ornate key, inserted into the centre of a beautifully ornate door. it swings open with ease. Soundless.
"Do you girls want to stay in the same room?"
Deliah and I both nod in agreement and the prince places his hands on his hips.
"Well, I'll leave you two to rest. I'll fetch you when it's time to move you to the city. There should be some loose clothing in the wardrobe, you can distribute it as you like... oh and the food on the table is for you as well. Really, consider yourselves at home."

I move to thank him, but he waves me off with a dismissive hand movement.
"don't mention it. Any friend of John is a friend of mine."

Deliah is already inside and scanning over the food that was left for us. That woman really only has one thing on her mind sometimes... My stomach growls. Maybe I'm just as hungry as her right now...

I decide I can afford to stop and join her for a moment. The adrenaline of the confrontation with the angels has worn off, replaced by curiosity and wonder... now my limbs ache and feel heavy, and the food smells so good. from several types of bread to a dish of butter, fruits, different variations of salad... but no meat.
"Are elves vegetarians?"
I sit next to Deliah and begin to munch on grapes. they're juicy and flavourful...
"Hm? Well... these ones are. There's more than one kind of elf, you know?"

I shake my head.
"No? how would I know that?"
Deliah shrugs.
"Sorry- yeah, all elves started out as faeries, and depending on the ways they chose to live, they became different... these ones are Mathril. There's also Luthril and Senthril. Luthril very much enjoy their meat... and Senthril don't typically even bother with other food groups."
The implication hangs heavily in the air between us.
"I see..."

"The three elven empires are at war, though currently there's an uneasy sort of ceasefire between Mathril and Luthril."
I swallow a bite of my bread.
"My head is spinning already."
Deliah snorts.
"then go have a bath first and then get some sleep. You really need it."
I have to agree with her. Not that I think I can sleep at a time like this... John pops into my mind, and I am embarrassed, that it wasn't Naz or Michael I thought of first. I hope they're alright... I'm safe now, but are they? Did the angels catch up to them? which one of them is being tracked? I stare at the bag, that I tossed onto the bed.

"I'll go grab that bath now."


I press the ice pack to my jaw and kick at the dusty wood floor of the cabin we... well let's be honest with ourselves, we broke into it and are currently squatting on its grounds. I doubt anyone minds, it really is an emergency this time. I have to find a seer and fast, so we can figure out which one of us is the one being tracked. My heart aches for Alice.

Just imagining how scared she must be... in a culture she knows nothing about... Luckily, she has Deliah, and Fern... I wonder what those two think of each other. Fern tends to be rather divisive, and I imagine the fact we used to be... close... doesn't make it any easier. Whatever the case, he is one of the few people in the world I would trust with my soul in a bottle... or Alice.

"I found some canned chili... that should do for dinner, no?"
Nazeem holds up two cans of off brand canned chilli. My stomach churns at the thought, but I nod.
"Yeah, let's do that. is there any rice?"
I stand and take the food off the werewolf. He nods.
"not much but it will do."

I look over my shoulder to Michael, who has been clutching a broom and staring out of the window like he is waiting for them to catch up with us. our pursuers are dead... I made sure of it myself... but I don't blame him for being distraught after basically helping to kill his former colleagues.
"Michael? do you want some food too?"

He nods, absently, continuing his staring.
"Alright... by the way, I found some clothes in the bedroom. you should grab them. you'll look like a woodsman but it's less conspicuous than blood covered... that."
He finally glances my way and answers in a husky tone.
"Now what do we do?"

I pull up a chair and sit next to him.
"we need to find a seer. I know of one who lives about four days from here... but we have to take a little shortcut that isn't exactly safe. Then... we will know which of us is the one being tracked by Persephone. that person then has to head in the opposite direction from Alice, while the other two gather her up."
Michael nods.
"But she's safe right now, right?"
I pat him on the shoulder.

"Safer than she has ever been. In fact I think she should stay with the elves for as long as they allow her."
The sky outside is darkening and rain begins to come down in thick droplets.
"For now though, I think we should get a moment of rest, while we still can."
The room between us stays silent. We are all worried for Alice, and for ourselves... and for the fate of the world if the council gets control over the prophesised one again.

One day she will be a queen, but right now all she is... all she may remain in my eyes for the rest of time, is a scared young woman in a strange world she doesn't understand but can never be ignorant to again. She has a lot on her shoulders... but if anyone can do it, it's her. With a heavy heart, I tear myself away from the window and back to the werewolf currently banging around in the kitchen.
"Nazeem you better wash the rice."

He scoffs.
"And I was goanna strain it too..."
I think I'd better join him, before he makes our sad excuse for dinner even worse.

Dark flight - Lore of the angelic book 1Where stories live. Discover now