Schemes in the land of misery

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When I come to, Michael is back. He's sitting in the corner of the cage with empty eyes, and his hand is wrapped tight in bandages. Seeing him like this makes me furious. Who do they think they are... hurting my friends, one of the few people in this gods forsaken place, who have done nothing wrong. Let them take me, torture me all they want. But not Michael...

"Those bastards..."
I mutter and try to sit up. Nazeem shushes me.
"You shouldn't wear yourself out, John. Pick your battles."
I know he's right, but anger boils in the pit of my stomach like tar. I spit on the floor and try to remain upright.
"how's Michael?"

Nazeem turns toward him, and they exchange a few words too quiet for my swimming head to process.
"He is not well, but they did no lasting damage to his body."
I curse, and spit on the ground again. my mouth feels dry and sticky with the taste of iron, but there's nothing to drink.
Is all I manage, having run out of words to throw at the situation.

"Hope they take me next time."
Naz places a hand on my shoulder.
"John, they are going to take you last of us, because you're the fighter. They know they will break you if they break your friends."
I know he is right as I grit my teeth.

"The werewolf is right."
Ophelia says, in her common, unemotive way of speaking. I lift my head to look at the vampire, who is sitting still, cross legged, with her companion's head resting on her thigh.
"They will break Perce before me, but in my case, I clearly have less attachment. these are professionals at misery, they can read us like open books and take the very action that they know will harm us the most."
I listen to her. I know nothing about this woman, she joined the council long after I was banished, but I know enough to realise she is competent, and strategically minded.

"So what do you suggest?"
She takes a deep breath in.
"I suggest we work to flip the script on them. Forwardly we should pretend to hate each other, that ought to give our scheming a believable cover. But here's the deal... we both try to pretend, like we are trying to manipulate the situation to our own odds covertly."
I feel a grin splitting my face.
"But when we are alone, we try to coordinate..."

"And get the information we need to formulate a real escape plan."
She nods, evenly. It's a fantastic idea, I have to admit. Having this Vampire around is my only hope of escape right now. I am about to reply when the door is opened with another loud slam. All eyes are on the hallway, awaiting who might enter. The stomp of metal on stone is unmistakable. The Huntress is back, and she is no less terrifying than she was the first time.

She looks us over like she is choosing which fruit to pick. She stretches a long finger towards the other cage.
"Bring me the Vampire."
She sneers. I watch as Ophelia is grabbed and thrashes wildly, though to no avail. Persephone is wailing again, but she makes no attempt to help her ally. We make eye contact for a moment, Ophelia and I. Her red eyes are firm and unwavering, and I subtly nod to her. Our plan is in motion, and it reassures me, as much as one can be in a place like this.


"So he dressed you up real nice... beats those old sweaters you were wearing all the time, Al."
Deliah looks much better than before, the colour has returned to her face, and she's started smiling again. The pastry I brought as a peace offering really picked her up.
"Yeah, but it took for eeever to get done."

She huffs.
"Beauty is pain dear Alice!"
The seer laughs, but she's just teasing me.
"Maybe... At least Wolf was on my side."
Deliah nods and wipes some crumbs off her silky nightgown.

"You guys became real good friends, all three of you."
I nod.
"Not as good of friends as you, Nazeem, Michael and..."

My friend lays her hands on mine.
"I know you're worried. But you just have to trust in the ways of fate... it's all happening for a reason and focusing on yourself is most important."
She takes a shaky breath.
"Please, our people need you in this time more than ever..."

I try to shake off her comment. The air in the infirmary has become heavy and uncomfortable and I can't help but note how grave Deliah's expression has become.
"I can't stop worrying... as much as I wish I could, I won't stop waiting until I see him face to face."
Deliah looks pained.

"Did you love him, Alice?"
I am speechless for a moment. A thousand words swarm in my mind- her wording was so very strange... Did I love him? I shake my head slowly, even though I'm not entirely certain I'm telling her the truth. She squeezes my hands.
"If going gets rough, the worlds can survive without John, but they need you, Alice."

I suddenly shake her off. Tears sting my eyes and I repress a sob.
"Don't say that, Deliah."
I realise I sprang to my feet when the back of my knees hit the chair and knock it to the floor with a loud clattering. I pick it up and sit back down at her side with my bottom lip wedged between my front teeth. Deliah looks ashamed but comforts me, places her hand on my cheek.
"I don't like it either, but I've heard nothing... and before we came here, I dreamt of blood, of pain and death... every night..."

I try to hold it together, frantically scramble to hold onto my bearings. I knew it was a possibility, but just thinking about it sends a sharp pain through my chest.
"I can't give up..."
I whisper, but Deliah sighs.
"I know you two were very close... He wouldn't want you in grieving at this crucial time... there will be time once we emerge victorious."

The door to the room opens with a creak.
It's Wolf, come to walk me back to my room.
"Everything alright? you look pale as a ghost..."

I shake my head, and the tears finally fall.
"Nothing is ok..."
I bury my face in my hands, ready to sob, but they are pried away from me gently.
"What happened?"
Wolf is hovering over me. I shake my head. I don't think I could explain if I wanted to. I find myself pulled into a hug by him. I wish I could make him understand how incredibly thankful I am for him... for his support.

"Let's get you back home. you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."
I nod against the soft fabric of his forest green jerkin. I can't protest when he lifts me up to carry me down the stairs. Through my haze I can hear him exchange a few words with Deliah, then we are off.

Wolf faithfully brings me to my room, only setting me down when the crisp outside turns into the soft, sweet-smelling air of the palace. We walk side by side in silence. Finally my sniffles subside enough to speak.
"John is dead."
I blurt out. Wolf's mouth opens and closes like a goldfish's.
"What- how? Our scouts haven't reported or found anything..."
I gesture for him to follow me inside my room, and he obeys.

We sit on the bed, and he wraps an arm around me.
"Deliah said she had dreams about blood and death in the days before we came here... which she interpreted as an ill omen..."
Wolf's thumb traces up and down my shoulder.
"And she is absolutely sure it was referring to John?"

I look him in the eyes.
"You said yourself, the scouts haven't found anything..."
He suddenly looks guilty, and reaches into his belt pouch.
"Actually they... found this, in a smear of blood, among the remains of several dead harpies..."
He pulls out a cracked watch... John's watch...
"He... seems to have taken some down with him at least..."

My heart sinks and I snatch the watch from Wolf's hands.
"What about the other two?"
He shrugs.
"Some loose fur and a handful of lost feathers... Nothing other than that... no bodies either, so... maybe there's hope..."

I wipe at my face.
"It's fine, Wolf... thank you for trying..."
He places his hand on my back.
"Do you need to be alone?"
I sniffle, and nod.
"I'll see you tomorrow..."

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