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I run over to the window and stare down at the driveway, behind me I hear my father shout. there is a black mercedes I have never seen before in the drive, motor running. next to it there's a man I've never seem before, he is pale and has dirty blonde hair that looks both messy and neat at the same time, he's wearing an unbuttoned suit jacket over a black T-shirt and worn out dark jeans and is holding a phone in his hand. he motions for me to open the window, I contemplate it, then I hear my dad banging on the door angrily.

"Alice! open the door or there will be consequences"
I open the window and climb onto the windowsill, I look down onto the sundeck roof below. can I make the jump? I would survive the fall but it would certainly hurt my ankles... I toss my shoes off, my chances of survival just increased exponentially. something crashes against the door and I almost jump but I hold onto the side of the window. 
I hear a familiar voice down below
"you will be fine"

still, I hesitate, another crash against the door makes me rethink. I take a deep breath and let go as I hear splintering behind me. I hit the deck roof with a thud and roll along, it knocks the air out of my lungs, I need to get out, need to keep moving. between blinking away tears I see a silhouette in the window above me, hear shouting and screaming. I force myself to get up and keep going, my ribs hurt, below the stranger is waiting, then I hear the flapping of wings behind me, wings much larger than those of a bird. 

before I can grasp what is happening I feel something hitting my back and knocking me back over, I hit my head on the tile. is this the end? I have a view below of the stranger taking off his suit jacket calmly, just before I pass out I think I see a set of four mighty black wings tear throuh fabric, then everything becomes dark. 

I wake up on the back seat of the car, it's parked somewhere... looks like a parking lot. I see the mystery man standing outside, leaning against the car, watching the last of the sun disappear beind the trees. my stomach growls, I remember I haven't eaten all of today... before I can say something he hands me a bag of fastfood. some cold fries and a burger but I'm more than happy to get to eat anything at this point. I wolf down the meal quickly, but my head is still swimming. I see he leans over the open car door.

"come on, let's get you inside."
his voice seems soothing now, he helps me up and I feel him guide me towards a building. it looks like some sort of motel...
"you need to get some rest"
I don't have the strength to ask questions now. I just walk, barefoot on the asphalt, into the building, past a receptionist. I hear the stranger exchange a few words with her, something about me being tired from walking today, I don't really register the rest.

the next thing I know he carries me, bridal style, up a set of stairs and sets me down in a chair as he unlocks a door. 
"come on, let's get you to bed"
I feel so safe as he sets me down on the cushiony matrace, it doesn't take long at all for me to fall back asleep.

I wake up between soft pillows and with the smell of eggs wafting through the air. I sit up and look around the tiny weekend apartment. The blonde man from yesterday is standing at the stove where the delicious aroma is coming from.
"you're finally awake",
he says, barely looking at me. maybe I was hallucinating yesterday, but the image of shimmering blue black wings tearing through the fabric of his shirt won't leave my mind.
"eat, we need to get going"

he puts down a plate of scrambled egg next to me on the side table, I stare down at the perfect golden food. I don't know where he's taking me, but I somehow don't feel like I am in danger. with a sigh I pick up a fork and start to eat, it's delicious. he drops a plastic bag at my feet.
"I got you a change of clothes, a pair of sneakers and some toiletries so you can shower, they will have to do for the time being. pack your things in this bag, I told the receptionist you were my girlfriend"
I pick up the plastic bags and the backpack and head into the small bathroom on the side.

I get undressed and head into the dingy shower to wash off the weird feeling in my head, the hot water feels nice on my skin. I grab the shampoo the stranger bought for me, it smells like peaches... I take my time until he knocks on the door.
"hey, did you pass out?"
I shout back 
"nope, still alive, give me a moment"
I turn off the water and get dressed in the clothes he got me, I am horrified that he bought me underwear, but it's just a pack of cheap ones, for the road I guess. I reach further into the bag to reveal an inconspicuous pair of jeans and a T-shirt with a purple cat on it. I curse, no makeup. I quickly pack together everything I didn't use including another shirt, single colour and, as I hurry to unlock the door, I note that all the items he bought me fit a little too perfectly. even the shoes slip onto my feet like I picked them out myself. 

"there, you can go now"
He puts on his suit jacket, the same one he was wearing yesterday.
"no thanks, I'm already done, you slept pretty late"
I finally realise I haven't asked his name yet. 
"so... who are you anyway, and where are we going?"
He doesn't answer me, instead he tosses me a pair of sunglasses, they are much nicer than the cheap clothes he must have bought me at some convenience store, they are engraved with a name. 
I mutter to myself as I look up at him confused.
"Put them on, makes it more difficult to identify you on the fly."

I obey the order, as strange as it is I am following him blindly, he has been nicer than my angry father will be. we walk past the receptionist who waves, I wave back and smile at her. we get into the car, I sit up front next to him and we hit the road again.
"so... I guess I'm not getting any answers..."
He stares ahead at the almost empty street for a few minutes before he looks at me.
"My name is John."
I nod, that's at least something I know, a little more to add to the admittedly small pool of information I have on him.
"so you aren't going to tell me where we are going then?"
He takes a deep breath in through his nose and looks over at me again. I notice that his eyes are amber coloured.
"You're safe with me, I won't hurt you"

I look down at my lap, my hands are linked together nervously.
"if you wanted to hurt me you wouldn't have kept me around... but... the book, the calls... something tells me that this isn't about ransome either. if you just wanted the book you could have left me there to deal with it all... maybe you pitied me?"
I ramble and stare his concentrated expression down.
"I will tell you this",
he mutters after a long period of silence.
"the book is invaluable but without you it is just a worthless piece of leather, pearl and paper."

Dark flight - Lore of the angelic book 1Where stories live. Discover now