A shared bath

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I wake up, limbs tangled with John's. He's warm, I don't really want to get up yet... not that I could I'm clamped in place by a pair of tanned arms anyway. would it have killed him to wear a shirt? I can feel his breath on the side of my neck... I want to just stay wrapped up like this for hours...
"good morning alice."

I didn't even notice that he was awake originally but now he's looking down at me with his amber eyes, there's a strange fondness in his gaze, I could sink into the ground from embarassment...
I stretch and he lets go of me reluctantly. I mourn the loss of his touch...
"I'll cut your hair now if that's ok, we can't take any chances. what colour should we dye it?"
He sits up in the bed and starts to rifle through his bags. I have a nice view of his muscular back, and I'm almost about to touch the space between his shoulder blades, the skin there looks so smooth, but he turns around to face me. I twirl a strand of my messy brown hair between my fingers instead.
"Black, since I'm supposed to be Deliah's sister."
John nods in agreement and pulls a pair of kitchen scissors from his bag.
"wash your hair then we can start with the cut"

I sigh and stretch again.
I don't care that my shirt slips up and exposes my stomach to him.
"Yes now, come on, I'll take you downstairs for breakfast when we're done."
I roll over and swing my legs over the side of the bed and sit up next to him. 
"I wanna take a bath I think..."
"would you feel comfortable if I joined you? I think... we should talk a bit. it's ok if not."
I think for a few moments, think about all the fun we had, think about that smooth patch of skin on his back... what is my obsession with that?
"Ok, I think that should be ok"

the water is hot but it's nothing compared to my face as I watch, out of the corner of my eye, as John strips off the rest of his clothes. I'm trying not to stare I really am, but it's hard when he's got such a shapely a-- no, I can't finish that sentence. he had the common courtesy to let me undress and get into the very spacious tub, but he doesn't seem to care what I see... or maybe he's doing it on purpose? I remember what happened last night... he does want me... maybe. so who's to say if he wants me to know what I'm missing out on... but- I really thought I didn't want to... no I don't want to but I don't mind admiring.

"are you ok? did you change your mind?"
I shake my head.
"nono, get in please"
I stammer out and look away as he climbs over the side, joins me...
"where did you get that scar?"
He reaches out to run his thumb over my collar bone. My heart skips a few beats, something about the gesture is so intimate, but still respectful.
"I'm surprised you haven't noticed it yet, it's a funny story really. you know those metal straws that are popular at the moment?"
He nods and leans on the side of the tub, effortless. he looks like a model... 
"Well I had one of those in a glass of pink lemonade and was walking in heels in the garden, needless to say I rolled my ankle and stabbed myself with a stupid straw."

He chuckles.
"interesting injury... to say the least. afraid none of my scars have such a lighthearted story attached."
I hum in  agreement and reach forward to poke his stomach.
"what about this one?"
"rogue vampire"
I stammer and lean back.
He just smiles that disarming smile.
"I'd say it's my turn to ask about a scar but the rest of you is... perfect. untainted."
I laugh.
"I like your scars, they're..."
I stare at him for a few seconds.
"Yeah. you know what you do to me don't you..."
"Of course. it's not hard to read you when you're constantly ogling me whenever I'm not fully dressed."

He reaches out and takes me by the hand, guides it to cup his jaw, then over his neck and chest, I feel completely breathless. he lets go of me, but his face is expectant... he looks almost flushed, almost like he's just as air headed as I am. I continue his route downward but stop over the water, hand placed firmly on his abs.
"Don't be ashamed."
"I'm not"

that's all he needs, he scoots closer and both of his hands place firmly on my cheeks, I smile nervously.
"You really can't keep away from me..."
"I just want to do this one thing..."
his breath is warm as he gets so close... my eyes flutter closed and I just breathe... a few breaths go by before I feel his lips on mine. warm, soft, scratchy. the kiss is wonderful, I can feel his stubble, I can feel his spine arching under my fingers... he tastes good... I can taste him, his tongue is in my mouth... I didn't realise when it happened but I enjoy it.

when the kiss ends I regret it, not kissing him... but that it stopped.
"do that again"
I beg, fingers still tangled in his hair. He just grins.
"Now's not the time, turn around so I can wash your hair."

Deliah throws the third batch of finely ripped up tissue paper into the waste basket and grabs the next out of the dispenser. Michael is brushing Naz and the tiny shreds of paper mix in with white fluffs of fur.
"Oh hold your tail still..."
The angel huffs and puffs but he doesn't stop chasing the Werewolf around the room.
"You think we should check on them?"
She asks, more to herself than anyone else.

"Hm? are you worried about them?"
Michael looks up from the brush job, to the great whining of Naz. Deliah shrugs.
"I'm not but I thought you might be."
Michael returns the shrug and tries to return to brushing, but Naz has already turned back into a man, laying on the ground and staring up at the angel.

"don't do that, that's weird!"
Nazim laughs as he sits up and goes to put on a shirt.
"How is it weird?"
"I dunno, brushing a shirtless man seems weird to me?"
"As a wolf I'm technically naked..."
Deliah takes a few deep breaths as a familiar feeling overcomes her.

the two men only see her slump over in the chair before the air around her begins to shimmer. Naz tries to get up from his seat but Michael sits him back down.
"She's having a vision"

Dark flight - Lore of the angelic book 1Where stories live. Discover now