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Five years ago, The city of Vampires.

The chilly wind whipped her icy blonde hair against her face. It was minus degrees outside, night fall making it eerily cold.

It was quiet, too quiet perhaps. The only sound was of the liquid trickling beneath her feet.

The calm before the storm.

Cracking her neck from side to side, she exhaled heavily.

The ground beneath was stained with blood. So much so that it was dripping down the edge of the hill.

Multiple corpses lay all around her. 

There was a vacation bus she had mascaraed and any car that passed by during that time frame unfortunately happened to be involved too. The sight was a blood bath. The funny part was, she wasn't even announcing her arrival - just killing time.

She stood still, trying desperately to grasp onto some emotion - anything at all. She didn't even feel an ounce of guilt, shame or disgust. Nada. 

Just an endless numbness engulfing her existence. The night may have been cold, but her frozen heart was colder.

After years of isolation, a part of her had hoped that she would be somewhat mundane. There was no doubt now, her human side was dead. Every bit of it gone.

There was a body on the side of the road, trembling with fear- the stench of blood still lingering in the air.

She could smell it,  she had craved it for a long time now. Being out again, there was nothing stopping her from devouring every second of it. Her inhuman tendencies enjoyed to play with her prey before sucking the life out of it.

She always let them believe they'd live. Seeing the momentary hope drain out of her prey as she took what she wanted was the only thing she seemed to enjoy anymore.

Smiling as she walked behind the fragile human, she dragged him by his collar so that his face was at par with hers.

"What do we have here?" The thick accent in her voice was the only resonating sound for miles.

"Ple-" He coughed, "Please."

He  joined his hands in front of him, praying for his life as tears trickled down his face.

"Poor child, what happened?" She said sardonically as she trailed one sharp finger nail against his throat.

"I have money!" He sobbed, reaching into his pockets frantically.

"I don't need that." She stated calmly as she slowly got up, offering the wounded man a hand.

He got up, and once he was steady on his feet, he ran. He ran like there was no tomorrow. He got into his car, unbothered about the fact that he was getting blood all over the expensive leather.

She let him. In fact, she was counting on his dire need to escape.

Just as he stepped on the pedal, she stood in front of the car.

He didn't care as he zoomed towards her. It was either his life or hers and he'd rather it be the latter.

Much to his shock, that was but wasted effort for she stopped the car with a single hand.

His blood ran cold as he tried escaping once more.

He had just opened the car door when she appeared in front of him

"What are you?" He whispered, horrified.

"The serpent." She stated with much pride as she struck her hand through his flesh, dragging his liver out painfully slowly.

He felt sick, to his very core. Quite literally.

He howled in pain, wishing he was dead instead. It was hard for him to wrap his head around what he had just witnessed.

A woman, who appeared to be anything but human, had single handedly killed all these people. Not only did he have to watch cold murder, he had to see the stranger pull out his own organ.

How was he still alive? The torture was unbearable. He had never felt anything like it.

She crushed it in front of him, watching as every single ounce of blood dripped off of her fingers and onto the ground beneath her.

She started chanting an old spell and the man watched in utter fascination as his own blood rose from the ground below, forming the shape of a snake. The blood was on fire.

Was he hallucinating? 

In his last moments alive, his own blood speared through him, ending his agony.


BOOM! And there you have it, the prologue. 

I know it doesn't make much sense right now but I promise it will haha! 

Love you guys so so so much! Hope you're ready for this rollercoaster haha strap yourselves in, safety first!

Thank you for clicking the read button all my luvs. It means the world to me.

~ Xoxo


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