VIII : Unbelievable

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It's June already! This is insane, where is the time going?!

Well, I sure know I haven't been keeping track.

Happy reading!!

Chapter VIII

Giovanni Ambrose 

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Giovanni Ambrose 

It hadn't even been an hour before James and Cooper were back at the castle.

They were waiting in the throne room, standing patiently with their hands behind their backs.

Slumping onto my throne, I hoisted one leg on the arm rest.

Gesturing with my hand, I let them apprise me with their findings.

"We found the Chariot Gio!" Cooper informed rather enthusiastically. 

"And the girl?" I demanded.

James sighed, "She wasn't on it."

Anger seeped through me again. 

"Out." I seethed.

"Gio, let her go, who knows what the girl must be going through." Cooper voiced.

"What did you just say?!" I whispered, astonished by his statement.

"You're okay with a wolf stealing from our kind and going unpunished?!" My voice boomed through the room, "She won't be too far."

"Yes sire, we'll be on our way." James said.

"Don't come in here again, not unless you have her." I reminded them as they left the room.

It had been a quite the boring century for me. One could only imagine the extent of my languor considering that a little wolf stealing my chariot caused such a commotion.

How ridiculous. 

If it were anything else that had been stolen, I don't think it would have mattered at all. We wouldn't even have wasted a breath on her.

Even though the chariot had been recovered, I needed to send a message to the rest of the world. Nobody could steal something of royal importance, a symbol that is, and get away with it.

Provoking fear in others is what I did best. It had been a while since someone had defied our rule to even the smallest degree.

The rest of the afternoon I was asleep. Afternoon naps were the only time I could get a wink of sleep. When I settled down on my bed, my kittens Sharla and Keith curled up next to me and we were all off to sleep.

They were probably the only things I cared for.

It was around twilight when I was awakened. 

Nobody liked waking me up, knowing I would wake up angry. It wasn't usual for me to be disturbed.

Shooting my blood shot eyes open, I grabbed onto somebodies throat only to realize it was Cooper.

Letting go, I sat on my bed, "What is it?"

"There's something wrong." Cooper stated.

Over the years, I had learnt to not let Cooper's statements get to me. He had a knack for really hitting my nerves.

James cleared his throat, "The Chariot is back in the castle now and is safe. The girl on the other hand, is not in Paris anymore. We described her to few of the locals, nobody recognized her as such but agreed that they had seen her ride the Chariot to the edge of town."


"Well, the forest where we found the Chariot abandoned, here scent was quite prominent there. She had been inside the forest but by the time we searched the area, she was long gone. There were other scents in the woods."

"Vampires!" Cooper butt in, "It was vampires! I'm sure she's already in trouble."

James gave him a look before facing me again, "It doesn't appear to be the case though."

"Did you look into it?" I said as Sharla woke up, stumbling towards me and falling into my lap. Her tiny body was barely the size of my hand and I didn't have the heart to move her.

I slowly pet her tiny head as she dozed off to sleep again.

James nodded, "We were surfing through town, trying to pick up any leads when someone pointed us to Marseille city."

"Marseille?" I voiced befuddled.

"It appears that the she-wolf might have help from our own. Maybe the vampires weren't trying to attack her, maybe they had escorted her from the forest safely back to Marseille. They have a whole base set up at one of the abandoned hospital there Gio." James mentioned.

"They?" I questioned.

"Some wolves and vamps seem to be working together. Perhaps, stealing the Chariot was supposed to be some sort of distraction." James supposed.

"Unbelievable." Cooper exasperated, as if he was hearing this for the first time.

I furrowed my brows, "Then we must go." 

The whole situation seemed bizarre.

How come a whole organization had brewed bellow our noses? One with wolves in it? They shouldn't have survived in our lands this long.

At least they shouldn't have gone unnoticed for this long. 

What was more surprising was the fact that some of the cold blooded were working with other breeds.

I was going to handle this situation myself before provide all the remaining evidence to the council after I figured this mess out myself.

Species working together without legal documents provided to all the global leaders was unacceptable and could even cause riots to break out among species. 

"Let's show our  kind what we do with traitors." I stated bitterly.


Heyyo!! Long time no see! How are you guys doing?

I'm so excited for what's in store for you guys!! Cannot wait to unravel this story for you <3

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~All my love


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