III : Werewolves in the Land of Vampires

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Back at it with Scarlett's POV, I know y'all have been waiting for this one.


Chapter III 

Scarlett Ruse

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Scarlett Ruse

The past two days had been hell for me. I'd wake up eager as ever to forage for my sister but go to bed restless.

Xavier was coming to Paris today as well. Right after I had left that maddeningly sickning hospital, Xavier's men had found me and escorted me to a hotel nearby, rushing to my aid.

My injuries were almost fully healed by now. In fact, I could feel myself growing stronger with every passing day.

There was a new found energy coursing through my veins. I could hear the low hum of the steady flow every morning.

My body was changing. I felt like a stranger in my own skin.

Xavier's council demanded my immediate return stating it was of 'utmost importance' that I successfully complete my training under the guidance of trained professionals before the next full moon. 

They thought that my actions were quite reckless and that I was being irrational by letting my emotions get the best of me in this moment. Like I could give a bloody damn about what they thought of me. Nothing was more important than life itself and with my sister missing, there was no way I would sit still.

Come hail or storm.

Xavier's men and I had been hunting through the deep forests, the jungle darker here, colder even. There was an eerie ambiance surrounding us.

I was aware that not many werewolves had been through this forest considering that this area was dominated by Vampires but it was one of the most lush forests I had ever stepped foot on.

The crisp air engulfed us as we quietly strolled past the trees, our wolves taking control.

As we circled past a lake, we caught site of a tiny roe deer munching on some leaves. 

Looking at the two wolves behind me, I gestured for them to follow my lead. Quiet as ever, we creeped up on our prey. There was a slight rustling, as the wind blew our way.

The deer snapped its head up in antsy, making a run for the hills upon seeing us.

I let out a small growl. I was claiming this chase.

Oh, it had been a while since my last chase. Little did the deer know I had been craving the chase for quite some while now.

As my paws hit the mush ground, a steady rhythm thumping through the forest, I let my instincts guide me.

The deer was running for it's life, picking speed.

Pouncing onto the deer, I pierced my canines into the tender flesh on its neck.

The warm blood oozed from it's neck, dripping down from my mouth, touching the cold surface of the forest.

It wasn't long before the deer went limp.

Dragging the body near the others, I dropped it near my feet as we all dug in.

The only sound was of flesh being munched.

Satisfied with my meal, I walked away from the dead body.

There was a lake within the forest. One surrounded by mist. I couldn't resist the temptation, shifting back into my human form to take a dip.

Before shifting, I started at my reflection in the lake. My black fur shone in the moonlight. Most werewolves had the same fur color as either their hair or eyes.

As each bone in my body mutated, I rolled my shoulders, trying to get rid of the mild discomfort.

The cold air made goosebumps rise all over my naked body. Dipping my toe in, I pulled it out at the stingingly cold sensation.

Inhaling, I went in again, this time completely submerging myself in the lake.

The cold water nipped at my warm body but I quite enjoyed the feeling. My hair floated all around me as I started to swim around the lake.

Opening my eyes underwater, it took me a minute to get used to the darkness underwater, my eyes burning a bit.

By now Xavier's men had secured themselves around the lake. They were still in their wolf form, their eyes never looking my way.

Back at home with my pack, I was used to occasionally being naked after shifting but I respected the fact that they still let me have my space despite what our species was used to.

I swam in the lake for a while, enjoying the moonlight.

After my fingers started to prune, I walked out, shifting back into my wolf.

My bones cracked as I transformed. 

We were at the edge of the forest, right where we had left our bags when I started feeling as though we were being watched.

Looking around, my ears on alert, I was disappointed to find nothing for miles.


Quickly, we changed into our clothes since we were heading back to the city now.

I threw on my tank and trousers. I was just about to slip on my shoes when there was rustling close by.

All of our heads snapped up, senses on high alert.

My intuition wasn't wrong, we were being watched. I just didn't realize it was by vampires who could travel miles in a millisecond.

Not only were they far to fast for us, today we were outnumbered by a lot.

They surrounded us, at least a fifty of them while there were just five of us.

Given, the soldiers with me were far too strong but I was not willing to lose any lives today.

As they circled us, we got into our fighting stances, the four of them surrounding me in a protective manner.

I almost chuckled. They had no idea how strong I really was. They were the ones who'd eventually need protection from me.

One of the tallest vampire stalked towards us slowly, "Well, well, well," His thick voice resonated throughout the forest, "What do we have here? Werewolves in the land of vampires?"


Been over a month since I updated huh? Damn, time really does fly. I hate to keep y'all waiting because I know EXACTLY  how it feels to be on the receiving end of that. Trust me, I WANT to update, it's just that, I've been beyond busy lately.

Still, I'll try to update at least more than once a month because that's ridiculous! The waiting is real my children.


Welp, I hope you still want to read 'Queen Scarlett' despite my unpredictable updating schedule. I really appreciate you man. I hope you know that.

I hope y'all enjoyed and as always if you did, please don't forget to  VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE!!!




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