XXVII : Don't lie

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Song above- streets x kiss it better (sped up)

Hi guys! Two chapters back to back, and this one's LONG too! Enjoy (winky face)

CAUTION: This chapter is 18+, skip if you're not comfortable with it!!!

Chapter XXVII

Rose Rarrieare Ruse

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Rose Rarrieare Ruse

After we had returned to the castle in Paris, the game plan was to stick around for two more days to go over every piece of information before we would fly back to our respectful cities.

Despite being back in the Vampire's lair, I felt a sense of safety knowing that Xavier and Scarlett were here with me. I knew they'd handle everything together, figure out what to say to the Vampire king.

I was so exhausted when we arrived, I didn't even have the  energy to sit through another conversation, or bother greeting their king. Luckily for me, we were all directly shown to our rooms.

I told Scarlett I was about to hit the bed. It was almost nearing dinner and I requested her not to wake me up for it. She simply nodded, knowing better than to press me for an explanation.

This is what I loved about our bond. We understood each other without having to say much. We knew what each others limits were and when the other needed us.

I was so grateful for her even though I would rather die than admit that to Scarlett's face.

Sighing peacefully, I opened up the door to my room. It was decent sized, with a queen sized bed on one side of the room and a nice modern fireplace on the opposite wall. All the lights were dimmed, one candle on each side table. I heavily inhaled the scent of warm clove spice mixed with a hint of golden nectar. It smelt cozy.

The bed looked so welcoming, I didn't waist a second in removing my shoes and crashing onto the bed.

It was the right amount of bouncy and I just sunk into it.

The minute I closed my eyes, I passed out. I slept like a baby. No dreams, no disruptions.

I woke up to the feeling of something digging into my rib.

Cursing, I realized I had gone to sleep with my bra still on and now it's underwire was at an awkward angle.

Whining, I groggily rubbed my eyes. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, they looked around the room, finding a wall clock above the fireplace. 

It read 2:03 a.m.

I think I slept around seven-ish. My stomach churned loudly. I was so hungry.

 Welp, no point in trying to go back to sleep now.

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