XXI : Spiraling Out of Control

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Long time no see lads. I hope you're all doing wonderfully well. I know I am. I haven't been this excited to write in a long time. I had a major writers block for the past few months and only other aspiring writers will understand how satisfying it feels to finally be able to walk out of it.

So here it is! Chapter 21 for my favorite people <3

Thank you for being so patient with me, your support means the world to me. It's you readers who make the process so thrilling. To see the immediate effect my story has on strangers I've never met is really life changing!

I love each and everyone of you, so without further ado - here we go ;)

Fair warning, buckle up, I've got a lot in store in the upcoming chapters!

Chapter XXI

Rose Rorieare Ruse

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Rose Rorieare Ruse

I had a knife tucked away in my boot.

Thank the lord for trust issues, guess it eventually does pay off to be guarded.

As sneakily as I could, I slid the knife out, my fingers wrapping around it.

Whatever I did, I had to be fast and brutal. A fatal blow was the only way out of this situation.

I had weighed my options in my head and the best way out seemed to stab his in the throat and push him out the car. As a vampire, he wouldn't die with just a stab wound but it was one of their weak points.

If I could land a good blow, I could really go through with this.  I was so close from escaping this hell hole.

I had swung the knife in the air as hard and fast as I could, grabbing it in my hand I thrust the knife in the direction of my vampire driver.

The knife didn't even get the chance to graze his neck before he yanked it out of my hand.


Okay, so maybe I didn't quite thinking this through.

He looked at me with bewilderment. 

He took the knife and had it pushed against my lips. The cool metal felt almost comforting against my warm breaths.

What was wrong with me?

What I didn't expect next was for him to actually use the knife, pressing it against my upper lip. It was barely a poke but it was enough to draw blood.

I gasped, bringing my hand to the wound. Before I could though, he swiped his finger over my lip and slowly licked the blood off his finger.

He closed his eyes for a second, almost as if he'd tasted heaven.

Maybe he had, not like I knew what my blood tasted like.

And I just sat there, watching him.

I should probably take advantage of the fact that his eyes are closed right now.

Reaching out for my knife, I tried to get it back.

He opened his eyes when he felt my movement but it was too late. I had already secured the weapon.

We got into a wrestling match inside the car, forgetting everything around us. In between our dissension, the steering wheel jammed and the car went over the barrier.

A horn blared in front of us and I jerked my face in its direction only to realize we had gone over to the wrong side and a truck was head our way at full speed.

The vamp swerved lanes, trying to get the car out of the way but it was too late. The truck had already collided against the side of the car.

As the brakes screeched, we went spiraling out of control. 

Before I could process what was happening, I felt my seat belt being removed.

I closed my eyes, afraid of colliding. Afraid of dying right after barely escaping it just a few days ago. 

 When I opened my eyes,  we were both on the other side of the road unscratched. He must've pulled us out.

For the first time in my life, I was grateful for a vampire's speed.

The car flipped a couple of times before coming to a full stop. His car was completely trashed.

I was breathing harshly, my whole body trembling.

I almost got us both killed. 

My fated looked down at me, seething with rage. But upon seeing the fear in my eyes, his face softened a bit.

"Are you hurt?" He asked, tenderly lifting my arms to inspect them.

I couldn't bring myself to phrase a coherent sentence so I just shook my head before wrapping my hands around myself.

When he was sure I wasn't lying he turned around to see the damage his car had undergone.

My head was spinning and I felt like heaving. 

The whole weeks exertion was catching up to me. I stalked up to the grass patch near the sidewalk and sat down on it.

"I'm sorry," I'm mumbled weakly, "about your car." 

My eyes were starting to feel heavy and my throat was getting drier by the minute.

 Exhausted, I finally let myself fall back, my world going black.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how it's done.

As always, I hope you enjoyed reading because I know I did 😂

If you did please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT & SHARE!!

~ Xoxo


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