XXX : Wishful thinking

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CHAPTER 30?! WHAT WHAT?! That's crazy lads. (Not so much considering that I'm updating after four months 😭. Apologies for being AWOL, it's a personality trait at this point XD)

Welp, anyway, skedaddle skedoodle, on you go. I'm sure you've waited long enough :)

Chapter XXX

Xavier Kace Morris

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Xavier Kace Morris

The moment Gio mentioned Zagila, goosebumps broke across my skin. She was an Ancient Vampire, one of the rare ones I respected.

Almost five decades ago, she had sacrificed all she had ever loved to save us all. If it weren't for her strength, we'd still be in an era of death and darkness.

Gio had implied that the serpent, truly one of a kind creature, was rumored to be out again.

The last time the serpent was walking the earth, it was almost impossible to put her down and she managed to cause quite the chaos for centuries. Engulfing every person with fear, using and abusing people, treating them as disposable, she was the worst of the worst.

It had taken everything in me to push down memories from her reign. What an evil time to be alive. If she was out, we were in for trouble beyond our measure. It was beyond me how she could have possibly escaped her doom. It didn't surprise me though, because she was the most narcissistic dictator one could ever imagine. 

She took pain is pleasure a little too seriously. 

We had all immediately left the meeting room, hurriedly packing all that we had, my private jet ready to fly.

We had no time to waste.

I knew this wasn't going to be the last time I see Giovanni. We both knew we couldn't trust the Council. Their fear had been the reason for the division of every species after the Serpents rise. She played that to her advantage, played dirty. 

There was always an insider too, so for as long as we could keep them thinking nobody knew anything about her resurrection, we would be able to move in silence. We had move fast though.

All I could hope and pray for was that she would be slow.

It was wishful thinking truly, if we knew of her arrival it was because she wanted us to know.

She was too diplomatic to fuck her own plans up. Which meant, there was a lot that had been going on under our noses that we were utterly unaware about.

If I dispatched my most trusted soldiers, I knew I would lose them. She would be anticipating that.  Even if she wasn't  aware that we knew of her presence yet, she would be prepared for an attack at some point.

There was about to be a lot of collateral damage. I would have to plan this all out in a way she would never see coming.

She knew me, how I would think and plan. But what she may not take into account is that I knew her too. Better than anyone else ever could.

Everyone thought I was a general in her army. That was far from the truth.

She used and abused me to kill people I had loved. She made me do all her dirty work. I couldn't escape her then. But  once I did, it took every fibre of my being to heal myself. Of all the trauma I had gone through, of all the scars I hid. 

I was finally in a place in my life where things seemed to be going my way. I could not have her threaten everything I stood for and had just begun building.

I had more to lose now than ever before. Losing again would ruin me forever. I don't think I could ever recover from that grave a loss. My life could not go back to the bleak emptiness I had suffered. 

I finally had the freedom I had strived for and the strength to fight with. If not by myself, with numbers at my disposal.  I was stronger now, more prepared. 

Taking in a few deep breaths, I closed my eyes. Meditating always helped.

Scarlett knocked on the bathroom door two minutes later.

"Everything okay in there?" Her voice eased my anxiety.

I walked over to the door,  a smile stretching across my face once I opened it. For the first time in a while, it was genuine.

"Yes my love."

She hugged me, her hands wrapping around my waist, "Thank you." 

"For what?" I replied, pulling her closer as her scent engulfed me.

"For keeping your promise." She said as she looked up at me with those doe eyes.

They were full of pride and admiration.

It had been so long since someone had looked at me like that, it moved something deep inside me. Altered my brain chemistry perhaps.

"Always princess." I kissed her forehead before letting her go, "You ready to bounce?"

She let out a little snort, "Bounce? Since when do you start using my lingo?"

I raised an eyebrow at her playfully, "Your lingo? You got copyright on that or something?"

"This teenage lingo is so out of character for you." She just shook her head, dazed, "I'm ready."

I nodded as I grabbed her bag, "Let's get Rose and leave then." 


And that's that! See y'all super super soon !!

As always, I love you guys beyond measure <3




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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