XIII : Fold First

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Song above- Love me by Lil Wayne ft. Drake. 

Chapter XIII

Xavier Kacee Morris

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Xavier Kacee Morris

I was at the location in no time.

Getting out of the car, my security did a quick sweep of the building before reporting back to me.

He's on the third floor.

I motioned for them to follow me in while a few scattered to near by buildings, inserting them into accessible positions.

When we were finally on the third landing, a few vamps were roaming around.

They didn't dare to hiss at us. At least this lot was better trained than the last.

Reaching a door, one of their guards ushered us in.

"Xavier! Oh, look at that! Just on time." Giovanni's voice hit my ears the moment I stepped into the room.

He gestured for his guards to leave us. I did the same, nodding at them assuringly.

This was always the weirdest part, making them believe that we were only going to have a civil conversation.

Giovanni sat on the throne, a simple mockery of our situation I'm sure, playing with the rings on his hands. And might I say, there were a shit ton of ornate ones on his fingers.

I scoffed at that. Vampires in general were not my favorite but to have Giovanni, the infamous dick, being a pain in my ass was not something I was looking forward to.

He might as well have had a whole exhibition on his hand alone. It was one of many ways for him to flaunt his wealth and somehow that always got on my nerves.

It was just such a vampire thing to do.

They loved to wear adornments, they were notorious for showing off things they had gained through favors or mishaps.

Reminding myself that that was precisely why he would have them on, I took in a calming breath.

"Gio." I greeted, a small smile playing on my lips. 

A smile that promised endless hours of pain if I were to be tested.

"I've waited decades for us to cross paths again." He proclaimed, "And the day has finally dawned upon us."

"Unfortunately." I strolled towards him, making sure to take my own sweet time.

"Unfortunately?!" He exclaimed, "You wound me Xavier. Have you ever seen another kingdom flourish as much as ours?"

"You mean, off of others blood?" I ridiculed.

"Oh, don't act like you're any better than us. We all have different ways of getting ahead in life, now don't we Xavier?" He shot back.

"When are you going to get off your neigh high horse and realize you are not a cavalier ruler?"

"Oh Xavier," Gio laughed, "You haven't changed one bit."

"Neither have you." I replied bitterly.

My sensitive ears picked up on muffled noises coming from further down the corridor and without hesitation, I started walking in it's direction.

"Ah, ah, ah." Gio stepped in my way, "Not so fast."

"Get.out.of.my.way." I seethed.

"You wolves and your temper tantrums." Gio sighed rather dramatically.

"Move, blood sucker." 

He placed a hand on his heart, "You flatter me, coyote."

Sending a murderous glance his way, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders as his came around mine, "Let's talk, shall we."

"See! I knew you would be the one to fold first!" Gio smiled to himself, clapping me on the back, as we both walked down the corridor.

This was what I hated most about him. He would always remind you of the good times you had together before going in for the kill. 

I had been with him one to many times to know him inside out.

Gods, he was one toxic man. Or psychotic. 

I couldn't possibly land on a decision.

What I did know for sure was that he had something up his sleeve. Something I was determined to wrench out of his hands.

We were just about to enter a room when I heard something rattled above us.

Was there someone in the vents? 

What the actual fuck was Gio up to? 

I turned to read him but he appeared just as cautious as me.

Before I could say or do anything, we heard someone jump inside the room we were about to enter.

I could smell her. I could smell Scarlett! My wolf was getting on edge now.

God fuckin dammit! That women never knew when to listen.

As if he could read my expression, Giovanni flashed me a wicked grin.

 He opened the door to the room.

Scarlett and Greggory stood in the middle of the room, with her sister tied up in a chair in one corner.

"Well, well, well." He clasped his hands in front of him 

Rose had two of Gio's men guarding her.

Gio closed the door behind him, "Let's get this party started, shall we?"  


Another update?!

I know you guys love me ahaha.

Anyway, I hope you thoroughly enjoyed!

And if you did please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE!!

~ All my love,


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