XIII : Trust

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Song above- Gangster by Kehlani 

Back with Scarlett's POV. Did you miss them? I sure did.

Updating after quite a bit but I've been having a serious writers block. Glad I'm through with it now!

Chapter XIII

Scarlett Ruse

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Scarlett Ruse

As I stood on the French balcony, a soft breeze traveling through my hair, I took in a deep breath.

Clenching my hands around the steel railing, the cold nipping at my skin, I grit my teeth.

Today was going to be a long day. We were supposed to meet the Vampire king at a famous church today.

Xavier stepped onto the balcony, leaning against the door frame. He took a moment before letting me know it was time to leave.

 Turning around, my eyes met his. I took in his entire appearance. He was clad in an all black outfit, his hair hair neatly pulled back.

It was when I settled my gaze on his face again that I registered the concern in his eyes. 

I was sure a hard expression was etched across my face. I couldn't help it. The more time we spent here, the more on edge I would get. 

There was just something about France that didn't sit right with me.

On top of being in the land of vampires, where my sister was apparently being held hostage, their king wanted to meet with us.

It was all just wrong.

"We're closer to finding her." He said, "I can feel it."

"I hope you're speaking the truth and not saying this just to comfort me." I sighed.

Xavier walked towards me until there was barely any space between the two of us.

Looping his arms around my waist, he pulled me against him.

Dipping his head to my ear as he whispered, "Lie to you? And risk getting my ass beaten?"

With that he placed a small kiss on my neck, his lips lingering there a while longer. A small smile made it's way onto my face.

He pulled back, his arms dropping to his sides, "Let's get this over with, shall we?"

"If their king has a hand in this, don't expect me to hold back." I warned as we walked down the stairs.

Xavier let out a small chuckle, "Trust me, if has any part in this, he's in for a treat."

Our SUVs were zooming through the streets, my nerves all worked up.

I had never met a vampire before. All my life, I had been taught one thing and that was to hate their entire breed. At they very least, I had been taught not to trust them and as much as I had tried to not let others teachings brainwash me, in this moment in time their voices resonated in my thoughts.

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