I'll Help You Get Through This, Part 2 (Fillie)

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*A Month Later

The news of Millie and Jacob's breakup had been the center of attention for multiple weeks. But, after it had started to die down, and work hadn't been moving as fast as a bullet train, Millie decided to call up Finn.

"Hey Finn! I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee or something and talk?"

"That sounds great, Mills!"

After a couple minutes of discussion on where exactly to meet up, the two decided on a small coffee shop not too far from both of them. Both Millie and Finn were nervous. Neither one of them had brought up the possibility of getting together since Millie had broken up with Jacob.

When they both reached their destination, Millie excitedly greeted Finn. "I'm so glad you were able to make it! We've both been so busy with work projects."

"Yeah we have! There always seems like there is a plethora of stuff to do. I'm happy we could spend some time together, just one-on-one, you know?"

"I agree, I've really missed just the two of us hanging out and catching up.", Millie replied as she sipped her drink.

"So, was there something you wanted to talk about, in particular? You seemed kinda nervous on the phone.", Finn spoke, softly, not really meeting Millie's eyes. He was worried about what she had called him to talk about. 

"Um, well..", Millie stuttered as she tried to find the right words without breaking into a deep cherry colored blush. "I wanted to talk to you about what we said that day when I broke up with Jacob."

Finn nodded, scanning Millie's face for any clues as to what she specifically wanted to talk about in regards to that previous conversation. "I've wanted to talk about that day for a while now."

Millie's cheeks warmed. She was glad she wasn't the only one who had been thinking about that day. As she started to formulate what she wanted to say, Finn spoke up again. "You said that you loved me."

Millie choked on her drink. However, she managed to compose herself. "I did."

"Did you mean it?"

"I meant every word I said."

Finn stared into Millie's eyes, looking for any threads of deception or hesitation. He wanted to make sure that this was what she wanted, what she meant, before he chose to respond. 

"Good, because I've loved you for so long." Despite it coming out as almost a whisper, the words echoed through Millie's mind. She gasped, and the biggest smile Finn had ever seen graced her face. 

"Really, Finn, you mean it?"

"Of course I mean it! I've been waiting for months to be able to tell you!"

Millie brushed a part of her hair out of face and tucked it behind her ear before giving Finn a shy smile. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime."

"Like on a date."

"Yes, a date. Unless you aren't interested."

Finn laughed at this. "Oh, I'm interested."

"So it's settled. We'll go out on a date."

Finn nodded excitedly. "This sounds like the start of something great."

"It goes sound lovely, doesn't it?", Millie replied, chuckling slightly. 

Finn raised his drink to toast. "To the start of something great."

Millie laughed and clinked her drink with Finn's. "To the start of something great."

P.S.- Thank you to all of my readers!!!!! Sorry this was so short! Please go check out my other works!!!!!!

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