A Photo Shoot (Fillie)

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"And, cut!", yelled director Sean Leavy.

"That's the last scene for today, kids! Millie and Finn, you have a photo shoot together in an hour, so you both need to get ready.", the Duffer brothers said.

Both Finn and Millie were excited to have a photo shoot that was just the two of them, because it would be time they could spend together, away from the rest of the ST cast. As much as they loved their coworkers, the two had not told them, or anyone for that matter, that they were dating.

Half an hour later, the two teens were ready for the photo shoot. Mrs. Brown drove them to the studio, and said,

"Ok, you two, have a great photo shoot! Call me when you finish!"

"Ok, mom, will do!", Millie said.

As soon as the car was out of sight, Finn grabbed Millie's hand and said,

"Man, I really missed my alone time with you!", while giving her a quick kiss.

Millie giggled and said, "Me, too, Finny. I really wish we didn't have to keep our relationship a secret so we could go on dates more often, and other stuff, too."

"I agree, Mills. Wait, I have an idea! We have a photo shoot, just the two of us. We could do some really romantic photos and have someone do a live stream!"

"That sounds like a great idea! I have really hated keeping this a secret from the cast.", Millie said happily.

As they walked inside the studio, they met the photographer and his assistants, along with their own personal hair, clothing, and makeup stylists.

"Hi, Finn and Millie! It's such an honor to work with you!", the photographer, Mr. Rubio said.

"We're so happy to be here!", Millie said excitedly, looking at Finn.

"When are we going to start?", Finn asked Mr. Rubio.

"In just a moment, we are setting up the camera right now. I'll hand you off to your stylists to help you get ready.", Mr. Rubio responded.

"Um, could we get hair and makeup done together, please?", Millie asked.

"Sure, why not!", Mr. Rubio said, raising his eyebrows slightly, since he had never seen cast mates want to get ready for photo shoots together.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Rubio!", Finn said happily.

Then, the two ran off together to get ready for the photo shoot.

10 minutes later, both Finn and Millie were ready.

"Wow, you guys look great!", Mr. Rubio said.

"Thank you!", they both replied. Mr. Rubio looked over at Finn, who was blushing and staring at Millie, with his mouth slightly hanging open. He then whispered to her,

"You look stunning, Mills!"

"Thank you, Finny. You're not bad yourself.", she responded, blushing as well.

Then Finn asked Mr. Rubio, "We were wondering if we could have a live stream going during the photo shoot, and if one of your assistants could hold Millie's phone during the live stream?"

"Ok, that sounds great, Finn.", Mr. Rubio agreed.

"Thank you!", Millie said.

"Let's get this photo shoot started!", Mr. Rubio said.

Mr. Rubio started off with the single shots, so Finn and Millie would switch holding and talking to live stream. On Finn's turn he said,

"Hey live stream! Millie and I are in the middle of a photo shoot! Millie looks absolutely beautiful!", blushing and being a little oblivious to all of the comments that shouted Fillie.

Once single photos were done, it was time for the two to take photos together, so they had one of Mr. Rubin's assistants hold the phone.

"Hey, Mr. Rubio, Millie and I had a couple of ideas for some photos. Could we try them out?", Finn asked, a little nervously, but still with his eyes on Millie.

"Why not?", Mr. Rubio said.

So, sat down on a chair and Millie sat down on his lap, and wrapped her arms around Finn's neck, while Finn snaked his arms around Millie's waist. The two then smiled not at the camera, but at each other, and Mr. Rubio took the picture.

"That was great, you guys! Do you have one more you want to do?", Mr. Rubio asked Finn and Millie.

"Yes, we do have one more, Mr. Rubio.", Millie said, smiling.

Finn then called out, "Hey, live stream! I hope you're watching this!", before quickly joining Millie in the stage. Finn dipped Millie, and to everyone's shock, kissed Millie square on the lips. It was one of the best photos ever taken.

Millie shouted at her phone, "Hey, everyone, Fillie is real!", and then quickly kissed Finn again.

Fillie/Mileven One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now