Chocolate Ice cream with a touch of jealousy on top, after S.2 (Mileven)

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After a long day of classes and bullies, Mike, El, Will, Dustin, Lucas, and Max decided to go to the ice cream shop down the road from Hawkins High School. Mike and El were discussing flavors, and which ones Mike thought El would like.

"El, try the chocolate ice cream! It's one of my favorites, you would like it!"

El tried the ice cream, and her eyes lit up.

"Mike, you're right! It is really good! I think I'm going to get the chocolate ice cream with whipped cream on top. What are you getting, Mike?"

"I think I'll get chocolate, too.", Mike said.

Once all of the kids had ordered, they found a big booth, the seating arrangements being Will, El, and Mike on one side and Dustin, Lucas, and Max on the other.

Everyone was having a great time, talking, eating, and laughing. That is, until a girl from Mike's English class showed up.

"Hey Mikey! Fancy seeing you here!"

"Hey Lila. What's up?"

"Can I join you guys, none of my friends are here yet."

"Sure, Lila."

Then, Lila squeezed into the booth, sitting almost on top of Mike. El's vision turned red, and she felt her face heat up.

"I'm going to go to the restroom, guys. I'll be right back.", El said before she quickly ran to the bathroom with tears in her eyes.

El stood in front of the sink, replaying what had just happened in her mind, over and over again. She knew not to use her powers, no matter how angry she was. Then, Max came into the bathroom.

"You ok, El?", she asked in a quiet voice.

"No, Max, I'm not, I really just want to go home and forget."

"Ok, I'll take you home. I could tell that you were upset about Lila and Mike. We can have a day to ourselves, without stupid boys, how about that?"

"That sounds great, Max, thank you!"

Max then went to tell the boys that she and El were leaving, but Mike stopped her and asked,

"Is El ok?"

"Why don't you figure it out, Mike.", Max said, snarling at him because she was angry with him for making El cry.

And with that, the two girls left for Max's house to play board games and go swimming.

Half an hour later, Lila's friends showed up.

"Bye, Mike! This was fun, we'll have to do it again sometime soon!", Lila said before blowing him a kiss and running towards her friends.

As soon as she had left, Will, Lucas, and Dustin started yelling at Mike.

"Why did you make my sister cry, Mike! She now thinks that you don't like her, and that you like Lila.", Will said angrily.

"Yeah, seriously, how oblivious can you be, Mike! El was jealous that Lila was calling you Mikey and almost sitting on top of you! That's why she and Max left, so she could calm down!", Dustin stated.

"You really need to make things right with El. This effects all of us, not just you.", Lucas huffed.

"Ugh, how could I be so dumb! I love El, and now I lost her because some other girl flirted with me and I did nothing! Do you know where El and Max went?", Mike cried.

"I heard them say they were going to Max's house, I'll go with you because Max is pissed at you, so that way I can talk some sense into her, before she kills you.", Lucas said.

So, Mike and Lucas headed for Max's while the other boys headed for Mike's house.

When Mike and Lucas reached Max's house, they dropped their bikes off and hurried to Max's bedroom window, for fear of Billy. When they knocked on the window and Max opened it and saw who it was, she almost slammed it closed. But, Lucas stopped her.

"Max, he's here to apologize to El. Please let us in. I know you're mad at him for upsetting El, but shutting us out doesn't fix the problem."

"Fine, Lucas, but only because I owe both of you."

"Thank you, Max!", Mike said.

"Mike, if you upset her again, I will not hesitate who kill you!"

"Ok, ok, I get the point, Max!"

When the two boys stepped in, they saw a red, teary- eyed El sitting on Max's bed.

"Mike, why are you here?", El asked quietly.

"El, i'm here to apologize to you. I didn't mean to make you jealous, you have nothing against Lila. I don't like her, and I will never like her, because the only girl that I like, that I love, is you, El. I'm sorry, El. I'll make sure that never happens again.", Mike said, and picked up the petite girl and held her in his lap.

"I forgive you, Mike. I'm sorry for getting jealous and running off. I love you, too.". Then, El quickly gave Mike a kiss on the cheek, and he returned it by giving her a kiss on the cheek, as well.

"Thank you both for fixing this, we really do not need an drama in the party.", both Max and Lucas said.

And with that, the four left Max's house and headed to Mike's, where Dustin and Will were impatiently waiting.

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