The nightmare, after S.2 (Mileven)

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Mike woke up to screaming. As soon as he heard it, he knew it was El, and ran down the basement steps as fast as he could, trying to reach her. When he got to the small fort, he immediately picked up El and held her close to his chest, whispering in her ear, telling her that it was all right, and that she was safe, and that the bad men would never touch her again. A couple minutes later, she woke up, and began to sob, so heartwrenchingly that it almost caused Mike to cry.

"It's ok, it's ok, I'm right here, I won't leave you, you're safe, I love you.", Mike whispered soothingly.

"Mike, papa, he, he was going to kill you, but I couldn't stop him. He said I was the cause of your death. I wanted to die!"

"It's ok, El, I'm right here, I'm not hurt, and papa is gone, go back to sleep, you need it." Mike started to get up and leave, but El grabbed is arm and whispered,

"Mike, stay, please?"

So, he did. And El fell back into a peaceful sleep, with her head lying on Mike's shoulder, and Mike's arms wrapped around her petite body, in a comforting and protective embrace.

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