The school dance pt. 3 (Fillie)

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Just as Millie had said, 45 minutes later, Finn knocked on her bedroom door, waiting anxiously to see if Millie was finished getting ready, and how pretty she looked. Millie opened the door a minute later, stepped out, and Finn immediately let out a gasp, as his mouth dropped open. Millie stood in front of him, blushing slightly, wearing a long, silk, slim, flowey blue dress, that had rindstones stitched in throughout the whole dress, with her short, shoulder-length hair curled and pinned back. Millie wore blue ballet flats, and had little makeup on, but Finn didn't care, not one little bit. He thought she was stunning, with or without makeup. Finally finding his voice, he said,

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Millie Bobbie Brown."

This caused her to blush even more, but she smiled and said,

"Thank you, you look very handsome, Finn Wolfhard."

This had the same effect on Finn, and his face turned a deep shade of red. Finn then gave Millie his arm, which she took gladly, and they walked down the stairs, towards Finn's waiting parents.

Mrs. Wolfhard gasped and said, "Oh, Millie, you look so beautiful! I love your dress! Finn, honey, you look so handsome!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Wolfhard! Winona and Natalia helped me pick out the dress!", Millie said.

"That's lovely, sweetie! The uber will be here to pick you two up in 10 minutes.", she responded.

Before they could leave the room, Mr. Wolfhard pulled his son aside and said,

"Finn, I know you like her. The way you look at her, the way you talk about her, it all makes sense. If you do love her, be sure to treat her right. She deserves it. You know the boys (ST boys) will kill you if you don't."

Finn responded, "I know dad, and I will, but I have to go now, the uber is almost here."

"Ok son, have a good time, and help Millie out if she feels overwhelmed by the fans."

"Will do, dad, bye!"

And with that, Finn and Millie left the house, hoped in the uber, and were on there way to Vancouver High's school dance.

During the car ride, Millie and Finn discussed the fans.

"What will all of the fans think of me, Finn? Will your friends be ok with me coming to your school dance? What are your friends like? Will they like me?", Millie said, worrying.

"Millie, you will be fine. Everyone loves you, and if anything, people will be overjoyed to have you at the school dance. I promise I will be by your side the whole time, and if it gets too overwhelming, just let me know."

"Ok, Finn, thank you, that makes me feel a whole lot better.", Millie says. Then, Millie does something surprising. She grabs Finn's hand, and they link fingers, staring into each other's eyes, and smiling lightly, all the rest of the car ride, until they finally pulled up in front of Vancouver High School.

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