Cuddling, after S.2 (Mileven)

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Mike was bored. No, actually, not bored, just craving. He was craving to see El. So, he snuck out of his house, hopped on his bike, and pedaled quickly to Hopper's house.

When he arrived at the small cabin in the woods, he hid his bike behind a tree, and snuck around quietly to El's bedroom window. Before he could knock, he saw her in one of his old T-shirts, dancing around the room to "Take on Me", which was one of Mike's favorite songs.

God, she's gorgeous, Mike thought, as she swung her hips and tossed her hair. When the song ended, Mike knocked on El's window. She came over, opened the window, and said,

"Mike! What are you doing here?", while blushing profusely because she was only wearing his long shirt.

"I had to see you, I was really missing you, so I snuck out and biked to your house.", Mike said, smirking because El didn't know that he had seen her dancing.

El smiled and said, still blushing, "Ok, come in, but don't let Hopper catch you."

When Mike entered, he immediately noticed the photo of the two of them hanging above El's bed.

"I love that photo, you know.", Mike said.

"Yeah, me too, it's my favorite.", El replied.

God, she's so cute, Mike thought.

Before he could back out, Mike picked up El, bridal style, and kissed her. When they pulled away, Mike's face was bright red, and El was blushing even more than before, but she didn't care, and she kissed him back. Then, Mike said something that made El gasp and blush even more.

"I saw you dancing to 'Take on me'."

"Really?!", El said, stuttering.

"I thought it was cute.", Mike replied, and El blushed again.

Finally, El said, "Do do you want to cuddle with me, Mike?", while looking down at her small, bare feet.

"Sure, El.", Mike said, before picking up the petite girl and carrying her over to the bed, where they both lied down. Mike had his arms tightly wrapped around El's waist, and El had her arms draped around his neck, their faces inches apart. Mike spoke a minute later.

"El, you really are beautiful, you know that? Even when you're wearing one of my old T-shirts and your hair isn't brushed."

The young girl smiled, blushed, and buried her head in to Mike's chest, before saying,

"Thank you, that means a lot to me. When I was in the lab, they would always tell me how horrible and ugly I was.", sniffling a little.

"Well, they were absolutely wrong, El, because you are the most gorgeous girl I have ever met."

And with that, Mike kissed El, and the two lied in comfortable silence, listening to each other's heartbeat, with a blush on both of their faces.

10 minutes later, they were both fast asleep, still in the warm embrace of each other, completely content and happy.

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