I'll Help You Get Through This (Fillie)

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*Just wanted to give everyone a head's up that this is a one-shot where Millie broke up with Jacob*

After finding out that Jacob cheated on Millie, Finn did a number of things. But, the first thing he did was set up a livestream. He started off by saying, even before anyone could ask questions, "Hey, livestream! I just want to make a quick announcement that has to deal with one of my best friends/coworker. Mills, I'm so sorry about your breakup, and I support you in every choice you make. You didn't deserve to be cheated on, and I know you really liked Jacob. And, to Jacob, if you ever try to cheat on or hurt my best friend in any way, I will personally make sure life is much more difficult for you. And, lastly, Millie, if you at watching this, call me if you need anything, because I know you're going through a tough time." After Finn's long speech, so many viewers had questions if Finn liked Millie, because no one else from the ST cast had made any comments on her break-up, and Jacob cheating on her. Secondly, right after ending the livestream, Finn called Millie. She answered almost immediately, and Finn could hear her slightly sniffling through the phone. "Mills, are you crying? How are you doing? Are you ok? Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to come over?", Finn asked rapidly, ready to do anything she asked. "I'm, I'm, oh God, Finn, I don't even know how I am!", Millie responded, starting to cry even harder than she already was. "Mills, I'll be over ASAP, just hold on tight, ok? I'll be there shortly. Is there anything you need?", Finn said, sounding very concerned. "Finny, I just need you.", Millie said, "And, please hurry, I just need you now.". Finn could tell that she was struggling, from her sharp gasps of breaths to the crying and her once happy voice now sad and quiet. "Ok, Mills, hang on tight, I'm on my way, I'll help you get through this.", Finn said as he hopped in an über. After he said this, Millie hung up, as he held his breath and hoped for the driver to hurry up. Finn was worried, to say the least. But, more so, Finn wanted to chew out Jacob really badly. How dare he hurt Millie! Much less cheat on her, Finn though, furious. Finn was even more angry because he truly did love Millie, so much more than in a best-friend kind of way. But, Finn would never take advantage of her in this state, and he wanted to help, being one of her best friends. When he arrived, Finn hopped out of the uber and ran up to Millie's house, and knocked rapidly on the door. Millie opened it, with bloodshot eyes, messed up hair, and tears streaming down her face. As soon as she saw Finn, she cried even harder and fell into his open arms as soon as he walked in. Finn slid down to the floor, still tightly holding Millie, as if he let her go she would disappear. Millie sobbed into his shirt, clutching onto him, refusing to let go. A few minutes later, Millie's breathing slowed and her tears dwindled. Finn picked her up and carried her to the couch in the living room, and grabbed a couple blankets. He settled down, and pulled Millie onto his lap, still continuing to hold her. "Mills, I'm so, so sorry. For everything.", Finn whispered into her ear. "You couldn't and didn't do anything, Finn. In fact, you've continued to stand by me even when I've made the dumbest decisions.", Millie responded quietly, turning her head to look at him straight in the eyes. "I chose to be dumb and give my heart away to a cheater when I could've had my most trusted best friend instead, who I didn't even realize I loved, and that he loved me unconditionally.", Millie said, even softer now. Finn's eyes widened, before saying, "Do you really mean what your saying? Is it me?". "It is you, Finn, and I mean every word of it.", Millie said, looking him dead in the eyes. Finn's eyes widened again, and he swooped down and kissed Millie on the cheek, before holding onto her even tighter, and whispering, "Maybe when you're feeling less heartbroken we can talk about us, maybe, if you want to." "I would love to.", Millie responded before kissing Finn back on the cheek and settling even more into his chest, and sighing happily.

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