A Recap, during S.2 (Mileven/Lumax)

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*This takes place between Max and Lucas on their walk to follow the demogorgons*

"So, everything you said about Will, you, Eleven, it's all true?", Max said quietly.
"Yeah, it is.", Lucas responded.
"Is Mike rude to me because of Eleven's disappearance?", Max asked.
"Yeah, the night she disappeared, it crushed him. He blamed himself for her death, and he was even more ashamed at the fact that she gave her life for him. Mike cried that whole night. We all knew that he liked her, but we didn't know how much until she was gone. A couple days later, the police showed up at his house, asking if he knew where Eleven was. Mike refused to tell them, but he also didn't know. He's been depressed ever since. He'll never be the same again, because he loved her. They had a great bond, you know, and I was jealous of it. I thought Eleven would take Mike away from us, but she didn't. He was still just as willing to risk his life for us, if not more. than before. You know, Eleven loved him back, Mike was the first person to show her love, and she protected him with her life, on multiple occasions.", Lucas said.
"Wow, I never knew that's why he was so rude!", Max responded quietly.
"Well, he felt that with you in the group, we would all forget about Eleven, and he didn't want that to happen. We're going to accept you, but that doesn't mean we'll forget the girl who saved our lives."
"Thank you, for accepting me, I mean. That really means a lot to me."
"No problem, Mad Max. You know, I like talking to you. You've got I fiery personality that I've never seen before, it's interesting."
At this, Max blushed, but thanks to the darkness, Lucas didn't notice. Finally, getting some courage, Lucas grabbed Max's hand. She gasped slightly, but smiled and squeezed his hand tight.

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