Studying, after S.2 (Mileven)

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It was a Friday night, two years after El had returned from fighting the mind flayer. El was going to school with the whole party, and she was excellent at both school work and athletics. When El first started school, she has been frightened, but Mike helped her through it all, and, finally, the two had been dating for almost a year. El was at Hopper's house, preparing for her huge Bio. test coming up on Monday. Then, the phone rang.

Mike- Hey El!

El- Mike! What's up? (Blushing slightly since she was talking to Mike)

Mike- I was wondering if I could come over to help you study.

El- Sure, but only to study, nothing else.

Mike- Ok, ok, see you soon!
-Conversation ended

El was excited that Mike was coming over, but she really needed to study. When Mike arrived, he tapped on El's window, and she opened it, saying,

"Hey! Let's get to studying!", while giving him a hug.

After about 20 minutes of flash cards, Mike couldn't take it anymore, staring at a beautiful El. He said,

"Care to make this interesting?", with a smirk planted on his face.

"Sure, why not?", El responded.

"For every question you get wrong, you have to kiss me."

"Deal", El said, determined not to get a single question wrong.

"Ok, let the games begin!", Mike yelled.

After going back and forth for multiple questions, El finally got one wrong. Mike said,

"Looks like you have to kiss me!", smirking, pleased.

"I'll do better than that.", said El, in a quiet, seducive voice that made Mike's mouth drop open. El walked over to where Mike was sitting, and straddled him, kissing him hard and long. When she pulled away, Mike's mouth was hanging open, and El blushing furiously. Before El could walk away, Mike grabbed El's wrist, and kissed her again. El responded right away, running her fingers through his curly locks, while Mike's hands were laying on El's thighs. They continued to kiss for what seemed like forever, until El pulled away, with a smile on her soft lips.

"I love you, El.", Mike said, breathless.

"I love you, too.", El said, still blushing.

Mike kissed El again, and through the kiss, El said,

"We should be studying.", but not stopping the kiss.

"Oh, studying can wait.", Mike responded.

And, the two continued kissing for the rest of the evening, completely forgetting about studying, and just enjoying each other. They truly were so in love.

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