The school dance pt. 5 (Fillie)

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Everyone gasped at the two, and only a short moment after, people started clapping, cheering, and yelling, "Fillie is real!". Of course, there were a couple of "boos!", but Finn and Millie just smiled blushingly at each other, and Millie kissed Finn back. For the rest of the song, the two clung to each other, foreheads touching, smiles permanently stuck on their faces, Millie's hands gripping the back of Finn's neck, and Finn's hands holding tight to her lower back. Once the song finished, Finn and Millie hugged and kissed again, and Finn whispered to Millie,

"How was your first non-acting kiss?", a smirking Finn said.

"Wonderful, Finny. You were the one I wanted to be my 1st off-screen kiss.", she said, blushing slightly.

Then, Finn said something that made Millie gasp and jump into his arms.

"I love you, Millie Bobby Brown, and I have loved you since Mike and El's 1st kiss."

Finn caught her when she jumped into his arms, and he laughed, and kissed her again. Millie whispered something into his ear that make his heart beat very fast.

"I love you, too, Finn Wolfhard, since the 1st acting kiss we shared in ST."

Then, the song Monster came on, and Millie immediately got up and started rapping the words to the song while Finn danced. The two smiled at each other because this was the first song Millie had seen Finn dance to, and she had been singing it the first time he danced. All throughout the night, Millie and Finn danced, sang, kissed, hugged, and talked with each other. Even though many people stopped them to take pictures or talk, you could see that they only had eyes for each other. An hour later, the school dance finished, and Finn and Millie called an uber to come pick them up, and while they were waiting, Finn asked Millie a question.

"Hey, um, Mills?"

"Yes, Finny?"

"Can I ask you something?"

Sure, Finny, anything."

"Millie Bobby Brown, I have loved you for over 2 seasons of filming, will you make me the happiest person in the world and be my girlfriend?"

Millie was in tears, but she nodded, and said, "Yes, Finn Wolfhard, I would love to be your girlfriend."

And with that, Finn picked up Millie, spun her around, and kissed her, overjoyed that she had said yes.

A couple minutes later, the uber arrived and took them back to Finn's house. Not caring what his parents thought, Finn took Millie's hand in his, and they entered the house just like that. Finn's mom was the first to notice their blushing faces, hands, and the little bit of lip gloss on Finn's lips. She screamed, so excited, which caused Finn's dad and older brother to come running down the stairs. They both asked Finn's mom what was wrong, and she pointed at Finn and Millie and said,

"Finn and Millie are together! Look at them, they're holding hands, and Finn has lip gloss on his lips, which means that they kissed!", she squealed, again. Then she ran up to them, and gave them a big hug. Mrs. Wolfhard then said to Finn, "You treat her right, Finn Wolfhard. Or it won't just be the cast that kills you."

"I know mom, and I will. Don't worry.", Finn said, blushing and looking at a smiling Millie.

Later, Finn's dad and brother congratulated the new couple, and the two then ran up the stairs to call the cast. Millie and Finn decided to call Noah first, since he already knew about the trip.

Finn and Millie- Hey Noah!

Noah- Hey guys! What's up? How was the school dance?

Millie- The dance was great, but Finn and I have some news for you.

Noah- Oh!!! What news?!!

Finn and Millie- Fillie is real, we're dating!

Noah- OMG!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Yesssss!!!!! Fillie is real, finally!!!!!! You do not know how long me and the cast have been waiting for this day to come!!

Finn- Really, Noah?!!!

Noah- Yes, really, Finn. Well, I'll let you two go, I assume you still have people to call.

Millie- That we do.

Finn and Millie- Bye, Noah! Love you! Talk to you later!
-Conversation ended

That night, Finn and Millie called all of the ST cast, and by 1 AM, they were finished. Both Finn and Millie were so exhausted that they fell asleep together in Finn's room, with Millie's head lying on Finn's chest, and Finn's arms rapped protectively around Millie's waist.

When they woke up, both of them saw a camera go off, and saw Finn's mom and dad standing over them, taking photos.

"Hey, that's enough! Mills' is still half asleep!", Finn said.

"Ok, ok, we'll stop, since you are so protective of Millie.", Finn's mom said, laughing.

When the parents left, Millie woke up and said to Finn,

"Finny, should we tell all of the fans on live stream today? You know how long people have been waiting for Fillie."

"I don't know, Millie, it's up to you to decide. This would give us and ST a lot more attention, though.", Finn said.

"I think we should tell everyone on live stream later today, is that ok?", Millie asked.

"Sounds like a plan to me, Mills. I'm fine with whatever you want to do.", Finn responded.

After long showers, breakfast, and a little bit of house cleaning, Finn and Millie set up a live stream.

Millie- Hey everyone! I am at Finn's house for the weekend! Finn, come say "hi" to the live stream!

Finn- Hey everybody!

Millie- I'm going to wait for more people to come on, and then I'll take some questions.

Millie- Ok, 1st question. "Why are you at Finn's for the weekend?" Well, I am at Finn's because he asked me to be his plus one to his school dance, and we haven't seen each other or the ST cast in forever.

Millie- 2nd question. "Did you enjoy the dance, and was it your first school dance?" Yes, I loved the dance, and yes it was my first.

Millie- Last question. "Is Fillie real?" (Looks at Finn, and he nods his head at her.) Finn is going to help me answer this question. Ok, ready, Finn? 1,2,3- Fillie is real, everyone. We are in fact dating! Thank you all for being so supportive of us, we love you all and will continue to give you Fillie updates, bye!

And with that, Millie closed the live stream. So many people were overjoyed that they had finally gotten together. But above all, Finn and Millie were the happiest to be a couple at last.

"I love you to the upside down and back, Millie Bobby Brown.", said Finn, quietly in her ear.

"And I love you, Finn Wolfhard.", Millie responded happily.

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