Livestream (Fillie)

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Both Millie and Finn loved to do livestreams. You would often find them doing one on a daily basis. One thing that they constantly had to deal with, though, was the question about Fillie. The question that they were asked most often was is Fillie real. Even though, every time, they would respond with a quick no, they both still wanted a relationship outside of he friend zone with each other. True, they were best friends, and had filmed with each other for what seemed like, to them, forever, but Finn still hadn't made a move. Whenever he thought about asking Millie out, he always thought,
I'm not good enough for her, the attention wouldn't be good for us, so many people will think that are feelings for each other aren't real, she probably doesn't even like me.
So, Finn never made a move. He didn't want to do something that would ruin their already great friendship. But, that all changed when Finn heard that Millie was supposedly dating someone. He was furious, but mostly heartbroken. That day, Finn started a livestream.

Finn- Hey everyone! I'm gonna do a Q&A!

Finn- Okay, first question. "Do you like your job as an actor?

Finn- Yes, I love it! Acting as Mike and working with the ST crew is amazing!

Finn- "Is Fillie real?"

Finn- No, Fillie is not real. (Finn whispered under his breath "Though I wish it was.")

Finn- Ok, last question. "What do you think about the young actor that supposedly likes Millie?"

Finn- Well, I was told that they weren't dating, so that's a relief. I'm not really sure about how I feel, she's my best friend, so I never want to see her hurt or sad.

Finn- Thank you all for your questions! Talk to you all later!
-Livestream ended

Finn sighed, just wishing Millie knew how hurt he felt. The next day, Finn headed to filming, hoping to avoid everyone and just work. But, when he arrived, Millie walked up to him, saying,

"Finny! What's up?", smiling.

"Nothing much, Mills. You?"

"I'm just heading to my trailer, want to come?"

"Sure, Mills!"

The two started walking, sneaking glances at each other, thinking that the other didn't know. When they got to Millie's trailer, Finn decided to tell her how he was feeling.

"Hey, Mills, I heard that you are dating someone, is that true?"

"No! Why would I be?"

"Oh, no reason.", Finn said, clearing his throat.

"Oh, screw it.", Finn whispered to himself before walking over Millie, put his arms around her waist, and kissing her.

When they pulled away, Finn immediately said, "Oh my god, I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry Mills!"

All Millie did was kiss Finn again, and then said, "You have nothing to say sorry for.", before Finn kissed her for a second time.

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