The school dance pt. 1 (Fillie)

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It all started on a relaxing Monday, a week before Christmas Break. Millie was just finishing up her home schooling classes, and was really missing the ST cast, since it was a couple months after they had finished filming season 3. Suddenly, her phone rang, it was Finn.

Finn- Hey Mills!

Millie- Finny! I miss you so much! What's up?

Finn- Well, I was, um, wondering if, um, well, my school is having a dance on Friday, and, I was wondering if you wanted to be my plus one. You could fly up here and spend the weekend, it would be really nice to see you again.

Millie- Um, is this like, um, me, as your date?

Finn- Um, if you want it to be, then if can be.

Millie- I would love to be your date to your school dance! Just let me ask my mom.

Finn- If she says yes, then great! I won't tell anyone at school, so it'll be a complete surprise to everyone to have the Millie Bobbie Brown at Vancouver High.

Millie- Yay! I'm so excited! Btw, my mom said yes, so I'll see you on Friday!

Finn- Ok! See you then, and you can stay at my house for the weekend.
-Conversation ended

Millie was so overjoyed that she called Noah, to tell him the exciting news! He picked up.

Millie- Hey Noah! It's Millie! I have some big news!

Noah- What! Tell me!

Millie- Finn asked me to attend his school's dance with him, as his date, so I'm spending the weekend in Vancouver with Finn and his family!

Noah- Yes! Fillie is real! (Noah was a huge Fillie shipper, along with the rest of the ST cast)

Millie- No it's not, silly. I'm just really excited to see Finn and to be able to go to a school dance, since I've never been to one before.

Noah- Well, I'm extremely excited and happy for you, Mills! I'll talk to you later, call me after the dance!

Millie- Ok, lil' bro, love you! Talk to you soon!
-Conversation ended

What Millie didn't know was that after her conversation with Noah, he called the rest of the ST cast to tell them what was happening with Millie and Finn, because he was so excited and happy for them.

Both Finn and Millie were looking forward to Friday, and for both of them, it was all they thought about during the rest of the week. Secretly, the two of them had crushes on each other since the ST season 1 kiss. Finn, in particular, was extremely nervous about what Millie would think of the dance, his school "friends", and what her feelings for him were in general. Millie was worried about what he would think of her dress, and what his feelings were for her.

Finally, Friday had arrived. Millie would be landing in Vancouver, where Finn and his family would pick her up after a 10 hour plane flight from Atlanta. Finn kept pacing in the airport, since Millie would be landing in 10 minutes. Millie was bouncing up and down in her seat, waiting for the plane to land so she could see Finn.

10 minutes later, the plane landed, and Millie rushed off, moving as fast as she could, trying to find Finn. When she spotted him, and he spotted her, the two ran to each other and hugged furiously, so excited and happy to see each other.

Oh, Mills, I missed you so much!", said Finn.

"I really missed you, too, it's been too long since we've seen each other last, along with everyone else from ST.", Millie responded.

Once they finished hugging, Finn's dad grabbed Millie's luggage and they all headed to the Wolfhards' car. Millie and Finn sat in the back row, talking, laughing, hugging, and just enjoying each other's company that they had missed for so long. Finn's mom exchanged a look with Finn's dad and quietly whispered,

"Are you sure he doesn't like Millie? I have never seen him look so happy or overjoyed, especially around a girl. I know that at Comic-Cons and on live streams they both deny Fillie, or liking each other, but I think they have something, and almost anyone can see that."

Finn's dad responded, "I think you're right, but we'll just have to wait and see."

After a 30 minute car ride, the Wolfhard's and Millie arrived at the Wolfhard house.

Finn's house was not small, it had 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a game room on the second level, and a small pool in the backyard. Once everyone got inside the house, Finn's mother said,

"Millie, you can take the guest bedroom that is right next door to Finn's room, Finn'll take your bags and show you the way to the bedroom."

Millie said, "Thank you so much, Mrs. Wolfhard! I appreciate you letting me stay at your house for the weekend!"

"Oh, you're welcome, sweetie! Finn has talked about you constantly, always begging to find out when he can see you and the cast again!", Mrs. Wolfhard said.

The two teens blushed, and Finn said,


Mrs. Wolfhard said, "Sorry, honey, but it's the truth, you do talk about Millie and the cast 24/7!", while she and Mr. Wolfhard chuckled slightly to themselves.

Finally, Finn said, " Come on, Mills, I'll show you to your room."

Millie responded, "Thanks, Finny!"

And so, the two ran up the stairs, each carrying one of Millie's bags.

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