The school dance pt. 4 (Fillie)

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Before the two stepped out of the uber, Finn lightly squeezed Millie's hand and said,

"You ready, Mills?"

She responded with, "As ready as I'll ever be, Wolfhard."

And with that, they both climbed out of the uber and walked hand in hand up to the doorway of Vancouver High's gym, where the dance was being held. Seeing that Millie was still nervous, Finn whispered to Millie,

"Mills, I'm right here, beside you, it's going to be ok."

"Ok, Finn.", Millie said, in a small voice.

Then, the two entered the beautifully decorated gym, and were greeted by loud cheering, clapping, and paparazzi, due to the fact that everyone was so excited to see the two famous ST kids. Knowing that Millie didn't really care for the attention, Finn yelled out to the crowd,

"Hey everyone! As. you all probably already know, this is one of my best friends and coworkers from ST, Millie Bobby Brown! She was so nice to agree to be my plus one to this event, so if we could please not have any pictures or signing autographs, we both would greatly appreciate it."

Almost immediately, people started to disperse, until all that was left were the paparazzi. They quickly asked for a short interview, and both Millie and Finn agreed.

Paparazzi- So Finn, why did you pick Millie to be your plus one for this evening?

Finn- Well, she is one of my best friends, and we hadn't seen each other in a couple of months, due to the fact that we haven't started filming for season 4 of ST, and I knew that people at my school would be so excited to see her, so that's why I picked Mills! Also, we only have 2 girls my age in ST, and I'm closer to Millie than I am to Sadie.

Paparazzi- Millie, when did Finn ask you to be his plus one?

Millie- Well, Finn called me on Monday, and asked me if I wanted to fly up to Vancouver to be his plus one and to spend the weekend with him, and since we hadn't seen each other in a couple months, and I really needed to see someone from the ST cast, I mean, they all are my best friends and I really missed them all, I agreed almost immediately.

Paparazzi- Also, Millie, your dress, where did you get it? Did anyone help you pick it out? It really is so pretty!

Millie- (Laughs quietly) Well, both Winona and Natalia helped me pick out the dress, and it really is beautiful, I absolutely love it. It is actually one of my favorite dresses.

Paparazzi- Millie, is it true that this is your first school dances, because you are homeschooled?

Millie- Yep, but I couldn't be happier to attend my first school dance with Finny.

Paparazzi- One last question for the both of you. Is Fillie real, are you two a couple, or dating?

Finn and Millie- No, Fillie is not real, sorry guys!

Paparazzi- Well, thank you for your time!

Finn and Millie- You're welcome, any time.
-Conversation ended

Once the paparazzi left, the two started to walk around the gym, being stopped every minute or two by other students who would ask to take a picture with them or try to talk to them, since they both were very famous. Finally, it was 5:30 PM. The school dance was going to start! As soon as music started to play, Millie ran out onto the dance floor, and began to dance and sing the lyrics of the song, while Finn stood back, watching and chuckling slightly, and he couldn't help but notice how cute she was, dancing in the middle of the dance floor, singing so beautifully at the top of her lungs. He just wanted to walk up to her, grab her waist, and dance with her, and kiss her perfect, soft, pink lips. But, he knew he couldn't. He believed that she only liked him as an older brother, and nothing more. But he was wrong, because she also thought that he only liked her as a younger sister, and nothing more. Soon, Finn joined Millie on the dance floor, and began to dance with her. Millie was shocked, and said,

"Finn! You never dance! I'm really surprised!"

"Well, Mills, I couldn't let you dance all alone. You know that we all dance together, whether it be at award shows or not. And, since the rest of the cast isn't here, I'm the one who has to dance."

Millie giggled, she knew how much Finn hated dancing. But, she felt very happy that Finn was willing to dance with her.

She quietly whispered in his ear, "Thank you, Finny. That means a lot to me. I'm really hoping they'll play Every Breath You Take, so it'll feel like we're back, filming the snowball."

"Well, maybe I just so happened to request that song next.", Finn said, smirking at Millie.

"Really, Finny, thank you, thank you! You don't know this, but that was actually my favorite scene to film.", Millie said, blushing slightly.

"Me, too, Mills, that was my favorite scene as well.", Finn responded, also blushing.

5 minutes later, the song came on.

"Do you want to dance?", Finn asked Millie, quoting Mike.

"I don't know how.", Millie responded, sounding just like Eleven.

"Me neither, do you want to figure it out?", Finn said, quoting his character again.

Millie nodded, and Finn placed her hands around his neck, and his hands on her waist. They began to sway back and forth, staring into each other's eyes, not caring at all that so many people were staring at them. Both of them blushed, and suddenly, Finn leaned in and kissed Millie on the lips, with everyone watching the two young celebrities.

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