The school dance pt. 2 (Fillie)

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Once Finn and Millie reached the guest bedroom, Finn said,

"Hey, Mills, are you excited for the dance?"

"Yeah, I am, Finny, this'll be my first one though, since I'm homeschooled. I'm hoping it'll be similar to the snowball, so it'll bring back memories of the cast and filming."

"Me too, Mills, me too.", Finn said. "Do you know what you are wearing?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna wear one of my dresses Natalia and Winona helped me buy and pick out, it's one of my favorites. You?"

"I'm wearing some slacks and a nice shirt. Luckily, we still have plenty of time to relax and hang out, since my parents let me miss school to come get you, also, the dance doesn't start until 5:30 PM. So, what do you want to do?", Finn said.

"Can I see your room, Finny?"

"Sure, Mills, let's go.", he said, taking her hand and leading her down the hallway.

Finn's room was average sized, with light blue walls, which were covered in posters of bands, movies, and so much more. In one corner, there was Finn's guitar, which Millie walked over to and lightly touched. In the back right corner of the room, was Finn's bed, and above it were multiple photos of the ST cast, and one, in the center, was both Finn and Millie's favorite picture of the two of them.

"I love that photo of us.", Millie said, reminiscent of the the day the photo was taken.

"Me, too, that's why it's on my wall, to remind me of you and the cast when I feel sad or lonely.", Finn replied, blushing. "Are you up for watching a movie and getting some snacks before we get ready for the school dance?"

"Sure! What movie are we going to watch?", Millie asked.

"What about IT, since you haven't seen it yet, and we promised each other we would watch it together?", Finn said.

"O, oh, ok? But promise me you'll be right next to me, you know I hate scary movies."

"Ok, Mills. Don't worry, I won't leave your side during the movie."

So, the two ran down the stairs, into the living room, to watch IT.

Only about 20 minutes into the movie, Millie was terrified. Every little movement startled her, and she would continuously jump. At one point, when Pennywise appeared rather suddenly, she jumped into Finn's lap, and gave a small British squeal out of fright. She quickly rapped her arms around Finn's neck, and hid her face in his shoulder, with a little blush on her cheeks.

Finn said, "Mills, are you ok, you can stay in my lap if it makes you feel safer."

She said, "I'm, I'm fine, I'm just going to stay where I am, I feel a lot safer in your lap, Finny.", stuttering a little, partially out of fear, and embarrassment, which could be seen on both her and Finn's faces, which were both blushing profusely.

"Ok, you'll be ok, Pennywise can't hurt you, I promise.", Finn spoke softly, sounding a lot like Mike talking to El.

"Thank you, Finny."

"No problem, Mills."

And they stayed in that position for the rest of the movie, and Millie did not scream or jump again. When the movie finished, Finn said to Millie,

"Mills, you gotta get off me so we can get up and get dressed for the dance, it starts in an hour."

She quickly got off him, ran upstairs to the bedroom, and called down to Finn,

"Ok, I'll be ready in 45 minutes, knock on the door once you are done."

He then ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time, racing to his bedroom, closing the door, and began to get ready, moving just as quickly as Millie was.

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