Seven is a Crowd

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Eli was shocked. The woman had beautiful long black hair and sparkling brown eyes. "Oh my goodness, you are just adorable!"

She squeaked, patting his head. "I'm Katie, and this is my husband Zethra." Eli gaped at the woman. "You're...." She giggled. "Human, yes."  He suddenly grinned and hugged the woman, who gladly hugged him back. "It's been so long since I've seen anyone from earth." She smiled at him. "Me too!" "Do you remember the county fair, gosh, I talk about it all the time but no one here knows what it is!"

He squeaked excitedly. "Yes!!" The two went on for a few minutes about earth as Rax Dalorian, and Zethra spoke until Dalorian grabbed Eli with a smile. "Cmon, we'd better go meet some of the others here." Eli whined but nodded and waved goodbye. "God she's so nice." Dalorian nodded. "Yes, my mother is a wonderful woman."

The three descended into the crowd and not but second later were stopped by a tall alien with black eyes and ash grey skin, long black hair and sharp teeth. "Dalorian, is that you?" The prince smiled. "Aleyda, how are you?" She grinned. "I'm just wonderful, and you?" He nodded. "I've been well, I've found two mates." "Really?"

The woman gasped. "I'd never thought you the type, I've found one myself." "Really?" He questioned. "I'd love to meet them." The woman nodded and turned her head a bit, before pausing and waving over another figure. It was a small girl looking figure with light pink skin and white hair. The girl had white eyes with blue x's in them. She waved shyly at the group. "Hi, I'm Kyra."

Eli waved and the girl smiled, the two droned on for at least another ten minutes before Eli began to get bored. He decided to sneak off and go exploring.

He slipped away silently, pulling Rax with him as he laughed quietly. The two disappeared into the crowd, weaving in and out of different aliens. "Oh my god, my friends and I used to do this thing on earth where we would look at people and make up fake backstories for them, we should try."

Rax laughed. "Ok, you first." Eli smiled and pointed at a giant purple alien with six eyes and black hair that seemed to be rough and stiff. "K So, when he was born, his mom totally ate his dad, so like he ran away from home, but she found him again and said it's his fate to marry one of his own kind and die after mating, but he totally refused and then his moms like "you have a week to find a suitable mate" and then he went looking everywhere, but his week was almost up, and he was about to give up, but then he met this really cute alien from another planet and they went and had coffee and hit it off, and now he's free from his moms clutches, and definitely has like fifteen daughters."

Eli grinned and took a huge breath as he finished the story, looking at Dalorian who was holding in his laughter.  "That's Commander Alaknar, he's one of the top five commanders, I've heard he has a very short temper and is single on account of it, he most definitely would not care what his mother said."

Eli stuck out his tongue. "Boo my story is more fun than the real one." Rax nodded, smiling. "Ok now-" Eli was cut off as he was bumped into from behind. "Oop- Sorry" Eli said awkwardly, despite it not being his fault, as the alien stared him down.  "You are very attractive." Eli blushed. "Umm thanks?" The alien nodded. "I'm Alcarion and I think I'll have you as one of my brides."

Eli choked on his spit. "What?" He said, backing towards Rax. Said alien grabbed the boy and tilted his head back, growling. "He's taken Alcarion." Alcarion leaned forward and sniffed the boy's neck. "My my, so he is, and by my brother no less."

He smirked. "I'll leave you to it then but," He gripped Eli's chin. "The offer still stands, if you ever happen to become bored with my brother let me know." He gave a wink and stalked off. Eli shuddered. "Well that was scary." Rax huffed and stuck his nose in the boy's neck. "I told you, everyone's gonna be all over you."

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