How Rude

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They arrived back in the room and Eli was pulled into the bed. Rax purred calmly as he sniffed at Eli's neck, Dalorian climbing in on the opposite side. "What are you up to?" He asked as they pressed their noses to his neck.

"Touching." Rax gripped the boy's hip roughly. "Can we?" He leaned into his hand. "Yeah." Rax kissed the boy's shoulder, a wave of comfort washing over him. His eyes fluttered open at a sudden glow on his hand. It was the mark that Igneous had left behind.

Eli bit his lip and pushed away from the two. "I'm gonna go check on him, I'll be right back." Rax's ears lowered but he shrugged. "Don't be long." Dalorian smiled. Eli nodded and smiled back as he shuffled out the door.

He made his way down the hall quickly towards the garden, where he made his way in, warm air blowing against his skin as the doors opened. He began to look around, a bit nervously, only to spot Igneous asleep in a hammock, hand pressed over his face, right against the mark. Eli shook his head, chuckling quietly and left again.

He made his way back down the hall, secretly a bit excited to get back to the two he had left behind. He gave a sheepish smile as the door slid open. "Just an accident, he's asleep."

Rax nodded. "Come." Eli nodded and moved toward Rax, subconsciously brushing his hair back. Once he was close enough he was snatched into the bed, and he sighed in content as he was pressed between the two.

Rax and Dalorian shared a look.

~ And the rest is history ; )

Hello, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, also sorry for the short chapter and late release, it was my birthday last weekend and then I got super sick but I'm better now and doing my best at scrapping these chapters, also yes I took the smut out of this scene, I don't think it needs it and I'm not mega comfortable writing it rn but I may include some later, anyway have a rad day/night :p

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