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The next morning-
Eli lay in bed on his back, Rax and Dalorian clinging to either side of him. He jolted awake and rubbed his face, groaning at the pain in his back.

He looked at the two surrounding him and memories of the previous night floated back. He glared at them and flung the covers off, moving to get out of bed, but was pulled back by a clawed grip.

"Mine, remember?" A husky voice spoke next to him and his face heated bright red. "Haha. Shut it." He plopped back down and rolled over, pulling the covers over his head. He felt a finger trace his back gently. "Are you alright, I wasn't too rough was I?" He huffed. "I'm good."

He closed his eyes again but Rax grumbled. "What's wrong with you?" Asked Eli begrudgingly. "I feel....mad." Eli pushed the covers off his head, careful to not pull them off a still sleeping Dalorian. "Why?" Rax's ears folded back. "Because, later today we have to attend a gala again." Eli rolled his eyes. "Mhm?" Rax shrugged. "Galas are often meant for people to find a lover, how will people know that you belong to Dalorian and I?"

"What if they try to court you?" He continued, growling. "Or-" Eli patted the man on the head. "Relax, I'm ugly anyway." He laughed. Rax tilted his head. "Ugly?" "You are incredibly attractive by earth standards." Eli raised a brow. "Oh yeah, and what about your kind, or Dalorian's?" Rax put a hand to his chin in thought. "Well, dominant males from my species considered to be attractive must be large, and strong, and our horns should be nice and sturdy, but I'm not sure about the princes kind." "Yeah I'm none of those things."

Eli blanched. "But for submissives you are considerably similar." Eli's brows went up. "You have nice wide hips, beautiful skin, full lips, and are considerably small." "I'm not a submissive!" Eli glared. Rax grinned. "You really....are." He huffed and plopped back down on the bed.

They laid there in comfortable silence for a few minutes and Eli had his hands stretched in the air, his fingers spread apart in thought. Suddenly a hand gripped his and intertwined their fingers. "What are you thinking of?" He shrugged, noticing the differences between the alien princes hand and his own. "I don't know, nothing."

Dalorian nodded, and began to trace the edges of the boys fingers and hand, but paused at a bump on his middle finger, pressing into it lightly. "What's this?" Eli turned his head. "What?" Dalorian gripped his middle finger. "This bump, is that normal for your kind?" Eli snorted. His kind. "Yes, most humans have it, it's normal." The alien nodded. "For sexual purposes." Eli twisted his head so fast the sheet bunched up underneath him and he had to bat it away from his face. "What? No!"

The tall alien looked mildly surprised. "Really? Then what for?" "For, it's not for anything, it's from writing." "Writing?" Dalorian continued to inspect the humans hand. "Humans still write?" Eli rolled his eyes. "Yes. Not everyone's as advanced as you." Dalorian nodded. "I suppose."

He paused. "What other....eccentricities do you hold?" Eli snorted and rolled on his side, his and Dalorian's hands falling between them. "I dunno." He shrugged. "I have a lot of scars, and freckles, and my feet are kinda weird." He frowned and wiggled his toes. "Freckles? The little dots on your face right?" Dalorian ran a finger over the small boys nose, "Yeah."

"And scars?" Dalorian asked expectantly. "Well, I've got this one on my stomach..." He fell onto his back, revealing a large scar across his stomach. "I had to have my appendix removed." Dalorian raised an eyebrow. "Did they put it back?" Eli laughed quietly. "No, it was infected, and not working right, so they got rid of it." He shrugged as Dalorian widened his eyes. "They just took it? How will you live?!"

Eli placed a hand on the aliens arm, slightly put off by his protective nature. "I can live without it." He sighed in relief and was quick to change the subject, the thought of his human dying made him nervous. "What other scars?" Eli picked up his leg, but put it back down. "Actually, I'm not so sure I want to show you, it's embarrassing." He blushed and Dalorian tilted his head. "Why?" "Surely whatever happened couldn't still be so embarrassing that it prohibits you from sharing."

Eli raised his brows. "Yeah...well it is, but that's not why, it's more where it's at than why it's there." Dalorian narrowed his eyes. "Do tell." Eli scoffed. "No." Dalorian cocked an eyebrow, laying on his side and resting his face on his hand.

"Please may I see?" Eli crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "Promise not to laugh?" Dalorian nodded excitedly and Eli rolled his eyes and nodded and shifted onto his side, pulling the sheer fabric on his hip back, blushing as it revealed a few large scars across his ass. "I got it tubing in a river, the tube is like this round thing full of air, you use them to float on water." Dalorian nodded. "And rivers are long bodies of water that usually move fast and lead to a giant body of water like a lake or ocean."

He nodded again. Of course he already knew what rivers and such were, studying earth and all, but Eli looked so calm explaining everything, so he listened. "But anyway, we were in the rapids, the fast part of the river, and I went over this really big rock, and it was really sharp, and when I came shooting past it, it cut me." He laughed. "I had like, 30 or something stitches in my butt, it was crazy." Dalorian smiled warmly at him. "Oh!" "I've also got this tattoo that I do not remember getting at all, and I've never showed anyone before." He sat up on his knees and smiled, turning around. "It's like, a vine with three flowers, an orange, blue, and green one." It was on his hip, covered by the knife.

Dalorian smiled as the boy continued to rant on and on about his home life. "Will you....will you ever take me to see them again?" He suddenly asked. Dalorian frowned at the boy's sadness and nodded. "Of course." The boy smiled. "Really, when?" The prince tapped his chin. "Well I suppose it can be arranged for a few human weeks from now." Eli practically smothered the prince in a hug. "Thank you." He frowned. "Eli, I may not be the one who took you, but I still contributed to keeping you here."

The boy nodded. "Yeah, I know." "So if...when we go... you decide to stay, I won't be angry, I have no right to be." Their conversation stopped there though when a small chime rang through the room. "Ah, it's time to get ready for the gala." Eli groaned. "I don't wanna go." Dalorian rolled his eyes as he woke up Rax again and kissed his forehead. "Come on." Eli whined as Rax picked him up and they headed towards the baths. "Whyyyy?"

Eli whined. "I'm tired." Rax nudged his nose against Eli's cheek. "You need to eat more, that's why you're so tired." The boy crinkled his nose. "Whatever, it's because being around you two is exhausting."

He dramatically threw his head back and put a hand to his forehead and Dalorian chuckled. "Whatever you say."

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