Fuck It All

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When he woke up it was to a large crash and a wailing siren. "Oh for fucks sake." He groaned and pulled the pillow over his head, but to no avail. The door slammed open and an unfamiliar voice growled out. "Get him!"

He whined. "Fuck off, I just wanna sleep." "Whoa-" A large clawed hand gripped his ankle and yanked him up. The alien set him on his feet and grabbed his neck tightly as it looked him up and down. He was turned around quickly, metal cuffs being set on his wrists.

Eli swung his head back harshly, the alien behind him growling and hissing, but letting go, making the cuffs clang to the floor. He ran and slammed his foot into the aliens chest, knocking him out of the doorway and letting the door slam shut, the lock sliding into place.

He moved to the closet like contraption and tapped at the buttons, allowing the doors to slide open and reveal a suit of armor in his size. "Hmmm no." He tapped it again and his old clothes appeared. An old t-shirt with a jacket, a pair of jeans, and black sneakers appeared. "Now this I can do." There were bangs on the door and he quickly yanked the clothes on.

He hurriedly scrambled out the window, but stumbled a bit, his shoes sticking to the wall. "That's new." His feet felt clunky as he made his way down. "Ok, where's Rax and Dalorian, I just gotta find them, then I'll figure-" He touched down in the grass, and over the vast expanse of the field he could see aliens fighting everywhere. Soldiers, armed with high tech armor and weapons. "What the hell?"

A figure suddenly appeared behind him, casting a shadow over him. "Thank god I'm not prone to hangovers." He shook his head as he took off, not even bothering to see who or what it was. He jumped onto the wall and scaled up it, heading for the window.

A searing pain ripped through his side and a metal clunk rang out. "Fuck!" He groaned as he fell to his knees. He took a deep breath, grabbing the sword from its place embedded in the wall and tugged. "Come on!" The sword gave way and he began to climb again, hoisting himself through a window.

He groaned and pulled himself up, dragging the sword behind him. "Damnit!" He limped down the hall finally spotting a door, but a figure suddenly appeared in front of it. The figure was armored head to toe, towering over Eli. "Shit." He leaned against the sword as the figure stalked closer, but suddenly it stopped, standing above him.

It's arms raised and Eli lifted the sword limply to block the inevitable blow, but it never came. "Eli?" His head shot up as the helmet came off and long silvery blonde hair fell in waves.

"Igneous." He grinned. Igneous smiled and picked him up carefully. "I can heal you." He said, looking cautiously at his wound. "Don't bother, it'll take way too much of your energy and I'm fine anyway." He paused. "Are you sure?" Eli nodded. "Yeah."

They quickly moved into the garden, the door locking behind them with a mechanical click. "Where's Rax and Dalorian?" Eli asked as the alien set him down. "Looking for you I assume." He jumped up. "I need to find them." Igneous tried to push him back down. "Eli, you're not exactly doing too good."

Eli shook his head. "It doesn't matter." "Can you rip this?" He held his sleeve out which Igneous ripped off easily. "I need a favor Igneous, and you don't have to agree, but I need you to guard me while I find those two idiots." Igneous nodded. "Of course."

Eli finished bandaging his stomach and looked up at the towering alien. "Thank you." A large boom shook the floor and the two fled from the garden. "On your right!" Eli shouted, shoving the sword out in front of him, catching an alien in the leg. "Thank you!"

Igneous smiled brightly as he slammed the alien to the floor. "Out the window!" Igneous yanked him out the window, running down the wall. The aliens in the field continued to fight as Eli stood there. "Rax!" He pointed to somewhere in the field where Rax stood back to back with Dalorian, fighting off a horde of aliens.

The tall alien grabbed Eli, soaring down towards the two. Eli was dropped to his feet in front of Dalorian, blocking a hit for the prince, grinning. "Need a hand?!" Dalorian gasped. "Eli!"

Rax frowned and grunted, knocking another soldier away. "What are you doing here, you'll get hurt!" Eli grunted as he swung for a large armored alien. "What's going on?" He asked. "A prince saw you at the banquet and is challenging us for your hand." Dalorian huffed out. "Can't I say no and end this all?"

He blocked another hit and the prince nodded. "That may work!" Eli nodded. "You stay safe, I'll do the rest!" His two mates moved to stop him but were swept away in battle. "Igneous!" He shouted and pointed to a ship in the grass. "Get me up there!" Igneous took off and launched towards the ship, grabbing Eli on the way.

Once they arrived he flew in as the door opened to release more soldiers. Eli immediately spotted the prince. He was tall, with deep navy skin and long purple hair tied in a braid tossed over his shoulder, which was plated with red and silver armor, like the rest of his body. "Hey!"

The prince turned slowly and suddenly smiled. "Ah, so you've chosen me." Eli sneered. "I won't take your hand, and you can't have mine." The princes smile turned into a deep line in anger and he grabbed Eli, shoving him against a panel. "You will accept my offer!" Eli could hear the words echo softly. He figured as he hit the panel it must have broadcasted their voices. "No, I'll die before I choose you over Dalorian and Rax."

The prince growled but closed his eyes and sucked in a frustrated breath, smiling. "You'd be so much happier with me, you'd be well fed, well dressed in all of our planets finest clothes and rarest jewels, and you'd fit in perfectly with the rest of my slaves, and I'll even make time to allow you to pleasure me every day."

Eli growled and jabbed a finger into the aliens chest. "First of all, I don't care what you give me, you have a rotten personality, second off, it's absolutely vile that you try to own people, and third off, I would never ever want to have sex with you." The alien appeared furious and grabbed Eli, slamming him into a chair, which wrapped him with restraints automatically and held him down. "If you won't willingly come with, I'll take you."

He turned to a guard and sneered. "What are you waiting for, leave this place." The guard nodded and prepared the ship to take off. All Eli could manage to spit out was "Oh Shit."

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