Apologies and Altars

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Torren and Jasper walked down the hall, hand in hand back to the garden. Torrens stomach knotted with guilt. He made an already bad situation worse by exploding all over the place on Marie and Alcarion just because he couldn't just talk it out.

He sighed and Jasper squeezed his hand as the door slid open. He cast his eyes to the floor as they walked back over to where Marie and Alcarion still sat, conversing quietly as they snacked on what was left of the food.

"Torren?" Alcarion whispered. "I'm sorry I yelled." He breathed out. "You guys didn't deserve that, I just felt like you guys were ignoring Jasper and what happened to him," He bit his lip, squeezing the other boy's hand as he let his hair fall over his eyes. "But I know that you wouldn't ever do that, I was just so mad that I wasn't thinking, but still, I'm really sorry."

A cool hand touched his chin and lifted it, the tears in his eyes slipping down his cheeks. "Don't cry love, I understand that you were upset." Marie stood, and grabbed the boy's other hand. "It's ok to be upset, just talk to us when you're feeling that way ok, don't bottle it up."

He nodded and sniffled. "You want a hug?" She smiled as he nodded nervously. "Everything's okay now, but that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to be upset about what already happened." She rubbed his back gently and he nodded, leaning down and holding her face, kissing her gently.

When they pulled apart she smiled at his red face and kissed his cheek, pulling him and the other two back to the blanket. She fell into his lap and watched as Jasper and Alcarion sat down together, fingers intertwined. But then she watched Alcarion's face twist and he suddenly took a deep breath in.

"On your planet," He began, chin up and speaking smoothly. "You use marriage as a way of sealing a bond rather than a mates marking yes?" Maries heart jumped and she watched Jaspers perfectly groomed brows raise. "Yes why?"

She watched his chin lower and his voice began to waver. "Well uh-" He cleared his throat. "I suppose I was wondering if you all would like to....be married?" The group paused for a moment. All were dead silent. Never before had they seen the prideful alien so bashful and pink faced.

"Are you proposing right now?" Torren whispered behind the girl, his hands around her waist. "I suppose I am." Alcarion nodded. "You need not agree if the idea seems foolish but-" Jasper clicked his tongue. "Of course I will, we've gotten this far haven't we?" Marie nodded as Alcarion gaped. "I will too, I mean, a prince as a husband might not be so bad." She grinned cutely. "I...." Torren was frozen in thought.

"Well shit there's no where else I'd rather be and no one else I'd rather be there with." Torren decided, kissing Marie's ear. "But what about our families...?" Marie asked quietly. "We can invite them, or we can have the wedding on earth." The prince suggested and they all stared, wide eyed.

"My mother can explain everything to your families, about the horrible damned zoo, about her life, about us." They all sat for a moment. "Yeah..." Marie nodded slowly. "Yeah, that could work." She smiled. "Then I suppose we had better get busy, we have a wedding to plan!" He jumped up and yanked Jasper with him who laughed quietly. "We can plan tomorrow, I think we should all just relax for today."

Alcarion grinned slyly. "And how much resting will we really be doing?" "Alcarion, he just woke up from a coma." Marie chided, but Jasper smirked. "I think I've had plenty of sleep but being in a bed would be awful nice..."

Alcarion lifted the man up, gripping him under the thighs. Torren snatched up Marie, grinning. "Then let's go, we only have so much time before we have to start planning a wedding." Alcarion kissed Jasper gently as they headed down the hall to their room.

The prince laid Jasper down on the bed, kissing him more heatedly as Torren did the same with Marie. He kissed down the girl's body, pushing her skirt up slowly. She gripped his hair tightly as he licked into her, legs falling onto his shoulders.

"Mm!" She glanced up to find Alcarion three fingers deep into the boy as he kneeled forward on his knees, arms reaching out in front of him. "Torren, you can fuck me now." She panted and he nodded, kissing her stomach as he grabbed a condom.

"God these condoms are weird." He shook his head, pulling it on as it tightened to his size. "Alcarion!" Jasper moaned and Torren scoffed, pushing into the girl gently. "They're way ahead of us." He chuckled. "Then do me faster..." She whispered and he paused, blushing. "Of course." He grinned and pushed all the way into her.

"Oh!" She moaned softly and stretched her hand back, grabbing Jaspers in a tight grip. "Fuck me..." Torren whispered, pushing into the girl. He leaned forward and kissed her gently, combing his hands through her hair, but accidentally bit her lip as he jumped when wet fingers appeared at his entrance. "Alcarion!" He narrowed his eyes. "Would you rather I not?" The alien asked smugly.

Torren blushed and looked away. "No....I want you to..." He whispered and the alien pushed his thick fingers into him as he continued pushing into Marie, who moaned and squeezed Jaspers hand. "Fuck!" Jasper yelled, as he shook, cumming into the sheets. Alcarions face twisted as the boy tightened around him.

He gripped the boy's hips and slammed into him, growling as he came. He paused, panting as he moved Jasper up to lay on a pillow gently, then shifted his attention back to Torren, who had his lip between his teeth, face twisted and brows furrowed.

He moved a hand between Marie's legs as he snapped his hips into her and her legs began to shake as she gripped the hair at the nape of his neck. "Torren!" He kissed her hard as she came and pulled out gently when she put a hand on his shoulder, her nails digging in.

She laid there for a moment, sweaty chest rising and falling, then crawled up to Jasper, curling up with her head on his chest as he ran gentle fingers through her dark hair slowly. They both watched with half lidded eyes as Alcarion pushed Torren down onto his stomach, nipping his neck.

He jerked as Alcarion pushed into him, biting his lip. "Torren." He whispered into his ear, holding his hips tightly with clawed hands. "Uh! Oh my god-" He shouted as Alcarion began to snap his hips into him, and almost shoving him forward if not for the hands on his hips.

"A-Alcarion!" He tried to scoot forward, his face bright red as he panted, but the prince pulled him backwards, slamming his hands on either side of the boy's head and fucking him into the bed. "Oh f-fuck!" He bit the boy's neck, leaving a visible mark. "Want to cum?" He whispered and the human nodded, eyes half lidded and drool dripping down his chin. "Yes! Please!"

He smirked and pulled the condom off the boy, wrapping his hand around him. "Go ahead love." He began to jerk him off, hard and fast. All of a sudden the boy shouted and threw his head back, legs shaking as he too came all over the sheets.

Alcarion held him for a moment, gingerly pulling out and kissing his head. "You did so good." Torren blushed and crawled up to Jaspers other side where he was gladly welcomed. "Marie? Would you like to go?" She groaned. "Ugh I want to but I'm so tired, maybe tomorrow?" He chuckled and leaned forward to kiss her nose. "Of course dear."

"Goodnight." He called gently to all three of them, smiling wholeheartedly and lovingly. "G'night." They all mumbled. He just shook his head and laid down with them, still smiling up until the moment he fell asleep.
Hello! I know it's been a bit😅 But! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you so very much for reading! Hopefully my writing is back on track now and I can continue to update regularly now! Anyway, have a good day/night! :p

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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