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Eli glared at the alien and pushed against his restraints. "Oh relax," He huffed out. "I don't actually want to bed you, I'm simply taking you as a say.....back up plan."

The alien snapped his fingers and the boy was released. "A back up plan for what?" He hissed, rubbing his sore arms. "You see, I'm a prince, but only of a small section of our pretty little planet, and I want the whole planet to myself, so I plan to start a war with the other princes, first I'll attack and raid their towns and kingdoms, and if that doesn't work, I'll threaten to kill all their mates, quite simple really."

Eli said nothing, so the alien turned to him with a raised brow. "But in the meantime, I'll keep you and the rest of them locked away." Eli rolled his eyes and suddenly the ship quaked a bit. "Mm we're here." He waved at a guard to grab Eli, but he turned around suddenly at the sound of a loud zap and realized, the guard was on the ground.

He snatched Eli by the nape and stuck a device to his pulse, it stabbed him sharply and suddenly his body went limp. Another guard hoisted him up and carried him until his vision went dark.
When he awoke he was in a dimly lit room and a familiar face hovered over him. "J...asper?" The boy smiled. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He sat up groggily and leaned against a warm body next to him. "Poor thing was tranquilized." Marie chuffed. "When I get my hands on that Kienen I'll strangle him." She hissed. Another boy laughed. "You would Marie." "His plan!" Eli suddenly shot up. Jasper pulled him back down against the plush bed with a careful hand. "We know."

Eli shook his head and sighed. "This is a mess." Marie nodded and handed the boy a warm drink that smelled like spices. "Mhm." "When were you guys taken?" Eli asked, sipping the drink, which was smooth and nutty. "Just a few hours ago, according to my watch."

Marie shrugged. "I'm assuming it won't be long before lord toxic masculinity shows up to steal us back." Eli nodded. "Yeah Dalorian and Rax probably won't be too far behind." Marie stood and stretched. "Anyway, while we wait you wanna go swimming?" The three boys smiled and nodded.

"Sure, I can probably get the door unlocked." Eli said. But he wouldn't have to, Suddenly the door clicked and slid open to reveal a lone guard. Eli stumbled up to the guard and leaned against them. "I need help," He groaned. "Please I want you."

The guard stared at Eli with wide eyes and Marie swung a pillow into his head, causing it to ricochet off the door frame, knocking him unconscious. "Ha-ha!" The guard lay on the floor amongst the spilled food and they hurriedly put him on the bed and rushed out before the door could close again. "Oh my god I can't believe that worked!" The four giggled as they ran towards the pool. "Cmon, I remember it was this way."

Marie smiled. They finally came upon a door and slid in quietly to reveal a beautifully crafted outdoor scenery with a giant swimming pool make to look like a pond and a waterfall flowing from rocks above it, trees vines and grass surrounding the room. "Wow it's so pretty." Torren said, gaping at the sight before him.

"Cmon!" Marie giggled and tugged the boy's forward by their hands. They jumped into the pond to find it perfectly warm, though Eli felt a slight sting in the wound on his side. "Oh my godddd." Marie moaned. "This is so nice."

Torren nodded, his blonde hair sticking to his forehead. "Mhm." "Oh," Eli suddenly remembered. "Where's Renia?" Jasper snorted. "She's the only one constantly stuck to Alcarion so she wasn't taken." The blonde boy rolled his eyes. "Good riddance." They all laughed. "Did you ever imagine this is where you'd end up?" Torren mused. "No fucking way man." Jasper chuckled. "What kind of lives did you guys have, before this whole thing I mean?"

Eli asked, swiping some water from his eyes. "I was a college student, majoring in marine biology." Torren smiled. "I was also a college student, majoring in children's education." Jasper chuckled. "I was a freelance animator and YouTuber." Marie giggled. "I was a college student too, majoring in IT, tech nerd shit and stuff." They all laughed. "God, I never imagined...."

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