Earth Holidays

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"A what day?" Eli snorted. "Valentine's Day." Rax shrugged. "Whats it for?" Eli sighed and swept his hair out of his eyes, realizing he was probably due for a cut. "It's kinda to celebrate the people you love I guess, you get each other gifts and stuff, like chocolate or stuffed animals, flowers, or just whatever they like, it's a holiday." Rax nodded, his ears perked as he listened with interest. "Earth has many strange holidays then." Eli nodded back, leaning into the aliens fur calmly as the cool night air brushed past them. "Yeah, gives more meaning to life I guess, cause when you think about it, compared to yours, our lives are super short." Rax bristled anxiously. "In fact, I'll probably die hundreds of years before you do, guess that's why humans take stuff so seriously, we only get one shot at this as far as we know, so we gotta do what we can to make it count." Rax sighed and slumped over the smaller boy, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. "So holidays are really important to humans?" Eli hummed and brushed his fingers across the plush grass. "Yeah, I guess so, but not everyone celebrates the same ones, and some don't celebrate at all." Rax nodded again, listening intently still. "Do you?" "Celebrate?" Eli asked. "Yes." "Nah," He laughed airily. "I guess I've never really been dating anyone on Valentine's Day so I've just never celebrated, might be fun to go on a date and exchange gifts or something though y'know?" Rax kissed the boy's cheek. "When is it?" "Tomorrow, why?" Rax shrugged, attempting to hide the wheels turning in his head. "Just wondering." "Mm." Eli hummed and rubbed the aliens cheek. "Too bad Dalorian's off being a diplomat, he won't be back in time." The boy found himself surprisingly upset by the prospect and frowned, but Rax ran his clawed fingers through the boy's hair and he allowed his eyes to fall.
"Eli, wake up." He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. "Huh?" Rax smiled, revealing a sharp canine. "Happy Valentine's Day." The boy laughed quietly and reached up, pressing a chaste kiss to the aliens cheek. "Happy Valentine's Day." He laughed again, a little embarrassed. "Come on." The alien lifted the boy into his arms and carried him into the hall. "Where are we going?" The taller alien purred. "It's a surprise." Eli rolled his eyes. "Close your eyes." He sighed and laughed, covering them dramatically. They walked for a bit more until a door opened and it felt a bit warmer, and he could hear water running. "Ok, open." "Rax..." He stared in front of him. There was a large blanket with a huge array of foreign looking foods and desserts, and it was surrounded by beautiful vines and flowers, as well as a waterfall flowing into a small pool of water, but in the middle of it all, sat Dalorian, a soothing smile on his face. "Dalorian, you're back!" He jumped into the aliens arms. "I thought you were supposed to be gone a week?" He nodded. "Ah, I was, but Rax alerted me of this holiday of yours and well of course my loves well being and happiness is much more important than some trivial formal dinner." Eli stared up at the tall alien and blushed, grabbing Dalorian by the face and kissing him. The taller alien wrapped his arms around Eli and held his face gently until the boy pulled away shyly. "Now, should we eat?" They all took a seat and began to eat until they were so full they did nothing but lay back on the blanket and stare at the flowers around them. "I missed you." Dalorian smiled. "I was only gone for three days." "Still." Eli shrugged. "Time is time, and I don't have nearly as much of it as I like to believe." Dalorian and Rax wrapped their arms around the boy and cuddled into him kindly. "Thanks for celebrating with me guys." They nodded and kissed his head. "We love you Eli." He blushed and paused for a moment. "I-I love you too..."
Short little filler for Valentine's today, sorry y'all, writers block is hitting me like a twelve foot train right now, but I'll keep working on releasing chapters, and if there's anything you'd like to see in future chapters just lmk : ) Anyway, have a good day/night and happy Valentine's Day! (If you celebrate, if not, happy Monday!) : p

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